IDENTIFYING FARM EQUIPMENT BY: Lisa Martin Rockbridge County High School
MOWER CONDITIONER Cuts and conditions hay Rubber or steel conditioners which crimp the hay Crimping speeds the drying process
DISC MOWER CONDITIONER Rotary discs cut the hay Conditioning rolls remove the waxy layer from stems for faster drying Works better under tough field conditions Requires more horsepower
TEDDER Scatters the hay to speed the drying process
RAKE Used for raking hay into windrows for baling 3 types: Side delivery rake Wheel rake Rotary rake
HAY BALER SQUARE BALER Produces square bales More labor intensive – require labor to handle manually Used in hand-feeding operations
HAY BALER ROUND BALER Produces bales in various sizes from 4’X4’ to 6’X6’ Used in mechanical feeding operations
BALE EJECTOR Automatically ejects the bale from the square baler into a bale wagon.
BALE WAGON Used when baling square bales and using a bale ejector. Sides catch the bales.
COMBINE Used for harvesting grain Small grain Soybeans corn
COMBINE WITH GRAIN HEAD Grain head used for small grains & soybeans Newer models have a flexible head which allows for movement with the ground
COMBINE WITH CORN HEAD Corn head is attached for use when harvesting corn
Pull-type Forage Harvester Pull behind a tractor for harvesting corn and grasses
Self-Propelled Harvester Used for harvesting forages without the aid of a tractor
PLOW Suitable for a variety of primary tillage operations
Chisel Plow Designed to give better soil-breaking and shattering especially where there is a lot of plant residue.
DISKS Often used after plowing to better prepare the soil for planting.
GRAIN DRILL Used to drill cereal grains, legumes and forages
PLANTER Primarily for planting corn Variety of types and sizes available
GRINDER MIXER For grinding and mixing variety of livestock rations on the farm.
TRACTOR WITH CAB Protects operator from the elements May or may not have Roll Over Protection System (ROPS)
TRACTOR WITHOUT CAB Offers operator no protection from the elements. Available with or without ROPS