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Since there is a greater change of elevation in equal distance Gradient Formula: Change in field value Gradient = Distance Gradient measures the amount of change takes place in a certain distance The more change there is in a given distance the steeper the slope A B Box A has a steeper gradient Since there is a greater change of elevation in equal distance
Determining the gradient on a field map Gradient Formula: Change in field value Gradient = Distance To determine the change in field value look at the value of the isolines To figure the change of value: 1. Determine the contour interval 2. Figure the amount of contour intervals 3. Multiply both figures For the blue line The contour interval is 20 There are 6 contour intervals The change in field value is 120 meters The change in field value of the orange line is 60 meters
To determine the distance use the map scale The blue line has a value of about 1.1 miles The orange line has a value of about 1.2 miles 120 = 109.1 meters/mile Gradient of the blue line is 1.1 60 = 50 meters/mile Gradient of the orange line is 1.2
The closer the isolines are the steeper the gradient The orange line has a lower gradient then the blue line. The steepest gradient of the map since the lines are closest together