Staff Announcements... Parent Questionnaire Results: Dear Parents, children and families, We have so much going on that we thought we’d do a special ‘end of year’ newsletter to keep you updated! Transition seems to be going well. We hope children are settling in to their new classes with their new teachers. We’ve added a reminder of the key term dates for Autumn 1, so keep this handy to refer back to. Have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you in September. It’s been an award winning half term for TEAM GB! We are very proud to share that we have won not one, but TWO awards this half term! Firstly, we achieved the Early Years Quality Mark and secondly the Leading Parent Partnership Award! Thank you to all the staff, parents and children that supported and helped us achieve these fantastic awards. Staff Announcements... Mr Farley has recently become a father to a baby girl! Baby Mila was born on Monday 26th June. Congratulations Mr Farley from everyone at George Betts! We are delighted to announce that we have appointed 2 new class teachers: Miss Leake who will be in Cheetahs in September, and Mrs Homer who will be our new Nursery teacher! Miss Leake has been here for transition so her new class have been enjoying getting to know her, and Mrs Homer has been part of the home visits and stay and plays and is looking forward to welcoming her new class in September. A big welcome to George Betts to you both Parent Questionnaire Results: Thank you to all parents who completed the questionnaires that came home last month. We are really pleased with the results! Of the parents that selected an answer to the question; 100% of parents agree that their child enjoys coming to school 99% of parents agree that their child feels safe at school 98% of parents agree that their child is making good progress 100% of parents agree that their child is encouraged to work hard and do their best 97% of parents agree that their child is encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle 94% of parents agree that their child receives an appropriate amount of homework for his/her age 96% of parents agree that there is a good standard of behaviour at George Betts 96% of parents agree that the school deals with any cases of bullying effectively 100% of parents agree that the school is welcoming and there are opportunities to get involved 99% of parents agree that the school helps them to support their child's learning 96% of parents agree that the school responds well to their concerns 98% of parents agree that the school keeps them well informed 97% of parents agree that the school is well led and managed 98% of parents would recommend the school to another parent There were some great comments and some really useful feedback. Your thoughts and opinions are really valuable to us, so thank you once again for taking the time to answer.
Reminder of key dates for Autumn Term FREE SUMMER PLAYSCHEME! Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th September - Staff Training Days (school closed for pupils) Wednesday 6th September - Start of Autumn Term for pupils Wednesday 13th September – Year 1 FLiP – 2:30pm-3:30pm Wednesday 20th September – Year 2 FLiP – 2:30pm-3:30pm Wednesday 27th September – Year 3 FLiP – 2:30pm-3:30pm Wednesday 4th October – Year 4 FLiP – 2:30pm-3:30pm Monday 9th October – Parents Day (school closed for pupils) Wednesday 11th October – Year 5 FLiP– 2:30pm-3:30pm Wednesday 18th October – Year 6 FLiP – 2:30pm-3:30pm Friday 20th October – Children break up today for the Half Term Holiday Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October - Half Term Holiday A special message from Mr Shephard.. (SATS) FREE SUMMER PLAYSCHEME! Galton Village Play Centre, 25 Woodland Drive, Smethwick Telephone: 0121 5584654 Opening 27th July to 1st September Opening hours: 11am – 2pm Monday – Friday 11am – 3:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Galton Valley Play Centre is open for children from aged 6 up to the age of 12 years for all children living in the neighbourhood. The play centre has a warm and friendly welcome, qualified staff and lots of toys and games to play with and lots of fun to be had! Interested? Contact 0121 5695843/4 for further details Breakfast clubs in Sandwell over the holidays There are planned breakfast clubs in Sandwell over the 6 week holidays called ‘Cereal Readers’. They are for children aged four to 11 at Glebefields, Tipton, and Smethwick Library. The sessions, taking place every weekday from 10-11.30 am, are open to all and will be linked to the Summer Reading Challenge in libraries, offering cereal, fruit and juice as well as stories, activities and guided reading. And finally.. Have a wonderful summer holiday! The summer is a wonderful time for children to take a well-earned break from their hard work throughout the year. However, it’s important for children to know how to keep themselves safe.