In Effective Meetings February 24, 2017
Conduct of Business: A Typical Agenda Report of Officers, Boards and Standing Committees Special Orders (Top priority items of business scheduled for the day) Unfinished Business and General Orders New Business Conduct of Business: A Typical Agenda Reading & Approval of Minutes If Minutes sent prior to meeting, not required to read at meeting Reading can be dispersed with by majority vote
(Member makes a motion) “Second” (Doesn’t mean agrees; just agrees the topic needs to come before the body) Chair states the motion to the body and that opens the floor for debate/discussion “I move that…” (Member makes a motion) Proper Motions
Maker of motion has the floor first Stand to ask for the floor after the previous person finishes speaking Rude to stand before finished and raising hand is not acceptable Must be recognized by Chair to have the floor to speak Debate confined to merits of the pending question Motion can be amended by inserting, deleting, or deleting and inserting
VOTE! # Yays…# Nays Chair states the vote after all debate (Chair only votes if secret ballot or effect the outcome) Chair announces result of vote, stating # yay, # nay, whether motion carried, and next item of business Any member can ask for a rising vote if any question about the outcome If tie, the vote is lost
Notes on Minutes Secretary records what was done in the meeting, not who said what All motions recorded whether carried or failed Name of person making motion recorded; not seconder Counts for each side of a motion are recorded Reading of the minutes at each meeting can be dispersed with by majority vote or if minutes sent prior to meeting