PATHH Leadership Education Community Kick Off Event February 5, 2016
Become aligned on our WHY, HOW, WHAT OBJECTIVES Feel connected Become aligned on our WHY, HOW, WHAT Prioritize topics for the next 18 months
AGENDA Time Topic 9:00 - 9:10 AM Welcome 9:10 - 10:00AM Getting to Know Each Other 10:00 – 10:05AM Break 10:05 – 11:00AM Our WHY, HOW & WHAT 11:00 – 11:20AM Prioritize Topics of Interest 11:20 - 11:30AM Wrap Up
Exercise 1 1. What makes you feel excited about coming to the Leadership Community this morning ? 2. What makes you want to “hit the snooze button”?
Start with WHY
WHY: Core purpose, values and beliefs HOW: the way we realize our core purpose WHAT: the things we will do
Exercise 2: ELEVATOR SPEECH You ran into Unmi Song (Executive Director of the Fry Foundation) in the elevator and she asks you what does the Leadership Community do and why should the Fry Foundation support it…. In break-out teams: Brainstorm an elevator speech OUR WHY: What is the core purpose of the Leadership Community? OUR HOW: How do we realize our core purpose through the Leadership Community? Practice the elevator speech and come back to share with the large group. You have 25 minutes
Our WHAT – Prioritize topics of interest Survey results Align on the topics for the coming sessions
OUR WHY: What is the core purpose of the Leadership Community? Elevator Speech OUR WHY: What is the core purpose of the Leadership Community? We believe that growth and evolution comes from relationships and interconnectedness that cannot exist in isolation. OUR HOW: How do we realize our core purpose through the PATHH Leadership Community? Our PATHH Community will create a respite for us to enhance our leadership, and nurture the collective wisdom and knowledge that strengthen a web of service providers to meet the needs of Chicago’s most vulnerable.