Your Organisation Name Commercial Mindset
Actions Power Solution Problems Actions Influence Threats Incentives Access InformationKnowledge Persuasion Purpose Compliant Perception Options Expectations Definition Assumptions Constraints Processes ManagementConsultationVision Strategy CommitmentReality Next Steps Project Plan Resources Timescales
Commercial Mindset POWER Do you know who all the ‘key contacts’ are? The Decision Makers, the Financial People, Users, Coaches, Influencers – and the Threats! Do you understand the threats both internal and external? Do you have the ability to get control of people and situations and influence them? What’s ‘driving’ them? What’s their pain? Why do they need to do anything? Are their business requirements and objectives both defined and agreed? What incentives are in place for the prospective clients to do something? What’s their budget? What are their timescales? Influence Threats Incentives Access Information Knowledge Persuasion
Commercial Mindset SOLUTION Is your solution fit for purpose? What purpose? Is it compliant with any particular specification issued by the prospect? What is the user perception of your solution? From a Business perspective? From a Technical perspective? Managing expectations? You must set the ‘client’s’ expectations! You must deliver to the expectations! Purpose Compliant Perception Options Expectations
Commercial Mindset PROBLEMS Defining the problems Removing assumptions Beliefs / Values / Causal arguments! Work with Facts! Constraints Who? What? How are you going to resolve it? Management of all the processes: Marketing / Sales Development IT Professional Services Support Definitions Assumptions Constraints Processes Management Consultation Vision Strategy
Commercial Mindset PROBLEMS Define what you are actually selling! Commercial / Technical consultation and agreement to manage the issues! Agreement of the processes involved! Vision Q: What are you offering / can you offer? A: A business solution to resolve a fundamental business or technical issue or problem... Or to satisfy a business need. Or perhaps both… You MUST have an efficient strategy that allows you to market, sell, deliver and support all of this! Definitions Assumptions Constraints Processes Management Consultation Vision Strategy
Commercial Mindset Commitment has to come from both sides: ACTIONS The Prospective Client You – The Supplier What is the reality of all your objectives actually being achieved? Reach agreement on next steps forward by both parties Define the project plan Agree resources Clarify all timescales Commitment Reality Next steps Project Plan Resources Timescales
Your Organisation Name Commercial Mindset