ICON: Video Conferencing
Video Conferencing in context ICON will provide technological systems that will enable Catholic educators to easily connect and collaborate with each other within and across schools. Access to participatory technologies enables teachers to share, connect, collaborate and take collective action. As a system we have the potential to become a community of learners focussed on building capacity to improve learning for all students. This enterprise approach to learning is predicated on the commitment of all teachers and leaders entering into a culture of collaborative professional learning.
Phase one administration
Why Jabber? Integrated phonebook Safe and secure network Quality video connection Meeting rooms to gather people from different offices and schools together
What do you need to conference?
Meeting rooms To book: Contact IT Helpdesk Date Time Duration Number participating
khall@ceomelb.catholic.edu.au Kimberley Hall Kimberley Hall Education Officer, ICON Project Team Catholic Education Office Melbourne Ph: +61 3 9267 0359 Fax: +61 3 9415 9325 228 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne (PO Box 3, East Melbourne Vic 8002) khall@ceomelb.catholic.edu.au www.ceomelb.catholic.edu.au Video Conference Username: ceom.kimberley.hall
Phase two Learning and teaching
Watch this space
Questions? khall@ceomelb.catholic.edu.au Kimberley Hall Ph: 03 9267 0359 khall@ceomelb.catholic.edu.au Video Conference Username: ceom.kimberley.hall