KM3NeT 2.0 Kick-off meeting, Athens,


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Presentation transcript:

KM3NeT 2.0 Kick-off meeting, Athens, 15.02.2017 WP4: Open Data Access Uli Katz ECAP / Univ. Erlangen

Main topics Scope of WP4 Partners and resources Organisation U. Katz: Physics Report - Valencia - 20.11.2014

WP4 – Tasks 4.1 and 4.2 Generating public data (months 1-36) Based on existing KM3NeT software, the production chain for public data, including the formatting according to ASTERICS standards, will be developed for KM3NeT and simulation data. Example usage programs will be developed, tested and their provision in a platform-independent way prepared. Monitoring and data quality control (months 12-36) Tools will be developed to monitor the performance of the program chain and the quality of the output. This includes application of the example usage programs to the generated data and scrutiny of their performance and output. All monitoring tasks will be automated to a level where human interference is only required if problems are detected but not for the monitoring itself. FAU (22), INFN (3) FAU (4), FOM (8) U. Katz: Physics Report - Valencia - 20.11.2014

WP4 – Tasks 4.3 and 4.4 Data archives and access (months 1-36) The method of data archiving will be established and optimised. The data archive will be set up and the user access interface and authorisation established, again in coordination with ASTERICS where appropriate. An environment will be provided where external users can apply the example programs developed in task 4.1, or own programs, to representative data samples. For establishing access to the environmental data, cooperation with the LTER project will be sought. Documentation (months 18-36) Data processing methods, data structure, data access, example programs, program test environment, etc. need to be documented in sufficient detail to allow external users to gain data access and to perform analyses. The documentation must be available online and a feedback mechanism for questions and problems must be developed. The documentation must be carefully tested for consistency and completeness. CNRS (3), FAU (3), INFN (6), UVEG (3) FAU (10) U. Katz: Physics Report - Valencia - 20.11.2014

WP4 – Tasks 4.5 and 4.6 Rules of data usage (months 18-36) The terms and conditions under which data are provided, the cooperation models between external users and the KM3NeT Collaboration, as well as rules for authorship and intellectual property rights will be worked out and documented in agreement with Funding Agencies and stakeholders. A corresponding online agreement will be developed that external users need to confirm to obtain data access. Education and training (months 12-36) The material (information sheets, flowcharts, movies, presentation slides, virtual guided tours, etc.) for the virtual educational centre will be prepared. The virtual education centre will be set up and tested. Educational material and a reference program for face-to-face training meetings will be developed. FAU (4), FOM(4) FAU (4), NCSR-D (4) U. Katz: Physics Report - Valencia - 20.11.2014

WP4 – Deliverables No Description Month D4.1 Data management plan 6 Report on ASTERICS liaison 9 D4.3 Report on the conceptual design of the open data generation, archiving, test programs and access 18 D4.4 Report on virtual education centre and training meetings: Setup, material, tools 24 D4.5 Report on monitoring and quality control setup 27 D4.6 Report on documentation strategy, environment, and software D4.7 Report on rules and conditions for data access D4.8 Report on implementation and test of open data system, incl. data generation, monitoring, archiving, example programs and access 36 D4.9 Manuals for all major components of the open data access system D4.10 Regulations for cooperation models, authorship rights and intellectual property rights to be applied for external users D4.11 Report on implementation and user tests of virtual education centre and on user workshops U. Katz: Physics Report - Valencia - 20.11.2014

Partners and organisation Organisation, WP governance Not regulated by Consortium Agreement Suggestion: WP Board consisting of one participant per partner Working group with usual instruments (email list, repository, …) Communication with KM3NeT Collaboration to be discussed. U. Katz: Physics Report - Valencia - 20.11.2014