The Hubble Telescope
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope was launched April 24, 1990, on the space shuttle Discovery from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Hubble has made more than 1.2 million observations since its mission began in 1990. Astronomers using Hubble data have published more than 14,000 scientific papers, making it one of the most productive scientific instruments ever built.
Hubble does not travel to stars, planets or galaxies Hubble does not travel to stars, planets or galaxies. It takes pictures of them as it whirls around Earth at about 17,000 mph. Hubble has traveled more than 3 billion miles along a circular low Earth orbit currently about 340 miles in altitude.
The Hubble Telescope (1990) Can see objects 14 billion years ago It had to be repaired in space in 1993 It has produced images of Stars being born and dying
The Eagle Nebula is 7,000 light years away
The Horsehead nebula, 1,500 light years away
The Cat’s Eye Nebula, 3.3 kilo Light Years away
Andromeda Galaxy