Norton Antivirus How to install Norton antivirus on windows 8 | download
NORTON ANTIVIRUS Norton is an antimalware software developed and distributed by semantec corporation since 1991 as the family which protects your pc from various types of threats and viruses. Norton basically works on all windows and mac-os. Norton protects your device againts viruses, threats, spyware, malware. It includes other features like spam filtering and phishing protection.
Features of norton antivirus Norton provides one solution to protect your desktop. it maintains your desktop privacy, does'nt matter what device you are using. you can easily tracks your lost smartphones with the help norton. Gives your kid full freedom to ue internet safely.
How to install norton antivirus on windows 7,8,10? Here we discussed inthis video the full description about how to setup norton antivirus on windows 7,8,10. norton protecting your device and managing norton product as easy as add a new product in norton account. just follow the simple steps given below.
Step1 First of all sign in into your norton account.
step2 If you are not a user of norton then you will be prompted to sing-in. Enter your password and address for norton and tap again on sign-in. If you do not have an account, tap Create account, and then complete the sign-up process.
Step3 After that In the Norton Setup window, click Download Norton. If you have a product key you have not yet registered to your account, Tap Enter a new product key to continue. Type the product key and tap>.
step4 Tap agree and download. If you have more than one Norton product in your account, select the product you want to download and Tap Next. Tap on Load More if the product you wish to download is invisible in the list.
step5 select one of the following depending on your browser: For Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge browser: Tap Run. For Firefox or Safari: On the top- right corner of the browser, Tap the Downloaded option to view the downloaded files, and double-tap the file that you downloaded. For Chrome: On the bottom-left corner, double-tap on the file that you downloaded.
step6 If the User Account Control window appears, tap Continue. Follow the on-screen instructions.
step7 now your norton product is installed and activated for user's.
Norton antivirus tech support After following all these steps you are able to install norton antivirus on your desktop for virus protection. if still unable to understand or stuck at installtion process then contact on norton antivirus technical support number for more enquiry about technical guidance. norton professional team solve your all queries regarding your issues and provides you the better quality solutions. norton helpline number is open for 24*7 you just have to ping on these number for more details.