System of checks & balances. Analy V. 3rd Hour
Legislative Branch It all started in 1787 The legislative branch is the one that writes up the laws. All together, there is 535 members. (100 senators & 435 representatives.) The senators serve 6 years, while the representatives serve only 2 years.
Executive Branch The president, vice president, & all cabinet members are all found in this branch. The first president of the United States sworn to the White House, in Washington D.C. If it likes the law, its sent to the Judidal branch.
Judidal Branch The Supreme Court was the one who started the Constitution, which is in Washington D.C in February 2nd, 1790. President Adam was in remain of the Court for 34 years. It’s the highest court in the country. Its system is the lowest courts are located in every state of the country.
The THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERMENT A picture of the 3 branches & of what there made of & who is in it.
Summary of what I learned throughout this lesson None of the three branches are better then the other. Each has an important job. The websites I have used to learn stuff of the three branches.