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Presentation transcript:

Harmonisation Working Group HWG Meeting Wednesday, 10th August, 2011 CER Offices Dublin

HWG Agenda Introduction, Minutes and Agenda 13.00 – 13:05 HSG Meeting Feedback 13:05 – 13:10 Harmonisation Project Update 13:10 – 13:15 Market Design Update (incl. 5 HBL-impacting Change Requests and HBL V2.1) 13:15 – 13.50 HWG To-Do List Review 13:50 – 13:55 AOB & Closing 13:55 – 14:00 10th August, 2011

Feedback from HSG, 1st July 2011 10th August, 2011

Harmonisation Project Update 10th August, 2011

Market Design Update Workload Overview 10th August, 2011

DR1092 v1 Removal of the non-billable keypad meter totaliser register from the Interim Solution Change Request Removal of the non-billable keypad meter totaliser register from the Interim Solution CC&B interface program which currently raises an exception when the number of registers received does not match the number of registers configured will be changed to enable normal processing when Suppliers do not provide readings for the keypad meter totaliser register eg the Supplier sends readings for 4 registers (on a keypad meter), but NIE holds a 5 register keypad meter configuration in CC&B, - that the user-exit programs in CC&B are amended so that outbound market messages ( N300 series) do not contain readings for totaliser registers. Existing CC&B keypad meter configurations will remain unchanged, as any change to the configuration could prove problematic for historic keypad meter data Assumes that Suppliers must amend their keypad meter configurations to remove the non-billable keypad meter totaliser register. At today’s Meeting Classification as NI Specific 10th August, 2011

DR1089 v1 Removal of 14 day delay in the Interim market systems Change Request DR proposes that the 14 day delay (in effect the suppliers' cooling off period) is changed in the market systems, for all domestic registrations, and reset at 1 day At today’s Meeting Classification as NI Specific 10th August, 2011

DR1088 v1 Daily Report for CoS Reads Validation Change Request Currently Suppliers are due to receive a '203' Excel report by email from NIS Billing and Registration only when CoS reads fail validation. If NIS Billing and Registration do not send a ‘203’ report the implication is that reads have been validated Proposal is to issue the report on a daily basis, even if there have been no reads failing validation and the content is blank At today’s Meeting Classification as NI Specific 10th August, 2011

DR1087 v1- 131C1 after 260 check meter is fitted Change Request The current NIE solution is that a 131C1 will be sent to a supplier if as a result of the 260 a check meter is fitted The proposal is that the 131C1 is sent after the check meter had been removed. There is no point in the message when the check meter is first fitted. At today’s Meeting Classification as NI Specific 10th August, 2011

DR 1086 / WP 20 Debt Flagging Change Request June 2011 – CER published a proposed Decision, CER/11/106 - Customer Bad Debt in Electricity & Gas Markets Interim Debt Flagging solution for implementation by 1st Oct 2011 Manual Debt Flagging process – WP 20 Old Supplier receives 110 MM and performs threshold check on Customer Old Supplier emails MPRN to MRSO MRSO emails MPRN to New Supplier New Supplier decides to Continue or Cancel CoS Method of MPRN communication TBC – most likely by encrypted email MRSO will report on a monthly basis: # of MPRNs flagged as having a debt above the agreed thresholds # of Debt Notification Flags (ME) that resulted in a cancellation of CoS Change is ROI-Specific but requires change to ROI Meter Reg MM Guide At today’s Meeting Classification as ROI-Specific 10th August, 2011

DR 1083 – CoS / Erroneous Transfer Change Request Supplier concerns around ET led to Working Group Guidelines developed by WG to be added to Supplementary Information on MPD 03 Interim manual solution New Supplier receives Objection to CoS Investigates Objection Cancel CoS or emails MRSO with reason for non Cancellation MRSO forwards reason for non Cancellation Escalation by Old Supplier if non response or if CoS confirmed by Customer MRSO will keep correspondence and stats on Objections CER will monitor status of Objections process incl. Escalations At today’s Meeting Classification as ROI-Specific 10th August, 2011

DR1091 v1 Additional DUoS Tariff and MCC Codes Change Request Remove ‘Preserved’ from tariffs T012, T022 & T032 link T012, T022 & T032 exclusively to Meter Configuration Code N002 link T014, T024 & T034 exclusively to Meter Configuration Code N004 Change T014, T024 & T034 to read “Economy 7 Rate with Heating” in line with Meter Configuration Code N004 Add new DUoS Tariffs T061 - 8 Hr Off-Peak & UNR Combined (Pres) - related to MCC code N041 T062 - 11 Hr Off-Peak & UNR Combined (Pres) - related to MCC code N042 T063 - 15 Hr Off-Peak & UNR Combined (Pres) - related to MCC code N043 Add new Meter Configuration Codes N061-68, N098 to define non-standard metering arrangements At today’s Meeting Recommend Approval to MCR and as MCR 10th August, 2011

DR1090 v1 Updated Codes for 300 Series Market Messages Change Request NI now to use “No Read Codes” 79 - Block Estimate - Planned 80 - Block Estimate - Unplanned 97 - Estimate as a result of Implausible Read NI now to use “Read Types” EP - Estimate (Block Planned) EU - Estimate (Block Unplanned) No Read Code 97 - the 305 MM "No Read Code" field will be populated with 97 where a reading is estimated due to an implausible read. The associated Read Type field will be populated with "EF - Estimate (Implausible/No Read available)" (already included in the NI data codes). Based on the NIE process for receiving readings from RouteStar, NIE will never have a scenario where codes 79 and 80 will be issued on a 305MM (and hence the associated Read Type values) No Read Code 79 and 80 - these codes will be used internally to automatically determine the read type associated with CoS market messages 310 and 320: 79 will trigger "EP - Estimate (Block Planned)" where a CoS is planned on an estimate. 80 will trigger "EU - Estimate (Block Unplanned)" where actual readings were expected to complete the CoS but no readings were received within the timeframes At today’s Meeting Recommend Approval to MCR and as MCR 10th August, 2011

MCR1053 v3 - Fieldwork Cancellation on CoS Change Request Provide new Cancellation Reason Code on 111 and 111L messages New value of “FC – Fieldwork Cancelled” will indicate the registration request was cancelled because the associated field work was cancelled Changes to 131 processing for CoS Requests with related fieldwork Approved originally at HWG 6/4/2011 Request to withdraw FC code part of MCR (131 changes remain in place) At today’s Meeting Partial withdrawal of MCR 10th August, 2011

CCR 005 v1 – New Meter Category Codes for ROI for Keypad Meters Code Change Request Two new code values to be added to the existing set of Meter Category Codes RM280  Hardwired RM281 DLC To accommodate the two types of keypad meters being installed as part of the ROI interim prepayment solution outlined in Working Practice 0019 At today’s Meeting Approval 10th August, 2011

MCR1070 V2 – New Codes Change Request At today’s Meeting To add a new Reject Reason code "IMI" with the description "Interval Metering Installed" in the event that a Supplier sends in a 252 market message requesting a special read for an interval meter To add a new Reject Reason code "UMS" with the description "Unmetered Site" in the event that a Supplier sends in a 252 market message requesting a special read for an unmetered site To add a new Order Status code "SOTO" with the description of "Supplier Timeout" to be used where the Supplier has received market message 131[S] to re-schedule non-completed fieldwork and Supplier has not re-scheduled within 10 days Approved originally at HWG 18/5/2011 At today’s Meeting Withdrawal of entire MCR 10th August, 2011

MCR 1079 v3 Harmonisation Baseline Core Elements for HBL V2.1 Change Request content Core elements of the draft HBL V2.1 reflecting all changes since V2.0 Harmonised Data Definitions and Codes V2.1 Harmonised Market Messages V2.1 (unchanged) Change history (list of all approved and pending changes since HBL V2.0 – see embedded file) Draft HBL V2.1 assumes approval of all requested approvals at HWG (today) and by HSG (25th Aug) (Jurisdiction-specific elements of HBL are published separately – See MCR1002 V3.0 for ROI elements at IGG today) At today’s Meeting Approval 10th August, 2011

Processing of Outstanding Inputs HBL V2.1 Draft – next steps Processing of Outstanding Inputs Confirm the HSG’s position on all outstanding recommendations from HWG Consider other inputs from MPs on draft V2.1 Publication Revise draft for above confirmations / inputs Publish V2.1 on HRDS Website 10th August, 2011

HWG Action Items 10th August, 2011

Next Steps Next HWG meeting 21st September, 2011 (Belfast) Dates for all meetings for 2011 are on the Calendar on the RMDS website 10th August, 2011

HWG Meeting AOB 10th August, 2011

HWG Meeting Thank You 10th August, 2011