The Lord’s Supper
Introduction Mt. 26:26-30 1 Cor. 10:16
“Took bread & blessed it” Mt. 26:26 Mk. 14:22 “and blessed” LK. 22:19 “and He took the bread, and gave thanks” “To bless means to give thanks” Bob Winton
In Reference To The Bread--Jesus “brake it” Mt. 26:26 “And as they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it, (Gave thanks Lk. 22:19), and brake it, (Broke a piece off for himself) and gave it to his disciples, and said,
In Reference To The Bread--Jesus “brake it” Take, (That is, take it into your hand), eat;” Gus Nichols
“Take Eat, This Is My Body” The Lord's Supper--Some important considerations “Take Eat, This Is My Body” This represents my body This was a common figure of speech which Jesus used in many other instances Jn. 10:9; 14:6; 15:1 Transub. – false doctrine of Worship, Lord's Supper
“Take Eat, This Is My Body” The bread does represent the body of the Lord—it is bread before the prayer, after the prayer and while we eat it and digest it.
“The Cup” Mt. 26:27 They were to drink the cup-meaning the contents of the cup Mt. 26:29 1 Cor. 10
“The Cup” Jesus took the cup He gave thanks for the cup He instructed the disciples to drink the cup He did not give thanks for the container—He did not tell them to drink the container
“The Cup” The cup for which he gave thanks and which he commanded the disciples to drink was the fruit of the vine The Lord used the “cup” to signify that which it contained-the fruit of the vine
“The Cup” Now notice Mt. 26:27 & 29 The “cup” of verse 27 becomes “the fruit of the vine” in verse 29 “the cup” = “the fruit of the vine”-if we use the fruit of the vine (juice of the grape) we have one cup—regardless of the number of containers
“The Cup” Metonymy = A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated White House = President Bottle = strong drink Count heads = count people Washington = Government
“The Cup” “Did he enjoy his coffee? Yes he drank the whole cup.” “The kettle is boiling” Gen. 6:11---people Jn. 3:16---population of the whole world
The Lord's Supper--Some important considerations “Drink Ye All Of It” Mt. 26:27 Does it mean to drink everything that is in the container you hold? NO Mk. 14:23 “That is, let all of you drink it” Boles Quote from H. Leo Boles Worship, Lord's Supper
“Drink Ye All Of It” “All the persons, not all the wine” McGarvey “Drink from it, all of you” NKJ
“For This Is My Blood” Mt. 26:28 “For this is my blood of the new covenant…” N KJ, ASV This represents my blood Gen. 40:12; 41:26 Gal. 4:24
The Lord's Supper--Some important considerations Conclusion 1 Cor. 11:26 “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.” NKJV 26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink the cup, ye proclaim the Lord's death till he come. ASV Worship, Lord's Supper