Pastoral Identity & pastoral care Prepared by CH (MAJ) Dan Hardin For the Brigade Functional Qualification Course United States Army Chaplain Center & School 15 October 2015 Instruction time: 3 hours (1 hour conference with 2 hours discussion / practical exercises). The conference can be delivered to a large group. HAVE A PRINT OUT OF THE LATEST TASK LIST AND EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES FOR COMPANY AND FIELD GRADE CHAPLAINS READY Educational outcomes supported: 1, 13, 17, 19, 23 MOTIVATION: You have or are about to assume supervisory responsibility in the chaplaincy. This requires a transformation and a fundamental shift in focus of ministry. Failure to transform or shift in focus will lead to mission failure. The delivery of excellent pastoral care demands a mature field grade chaplain identity. This class will discuss the differences between company and field grade identity and how it informs the delivery of pastoral care. “The views, opinions and findings contained in this report are those of the authors(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated by other official documentation.”
Terminal Learning objective ACTION: Define the process of the development of a chaplain identity and how it informs pastoral care. CONDITIONS: Given a discussion and interactive presentation in a classroom setting. STANDARD: Identify how to develop pastoral identity and identify how our actions in performing pastoral care are shaped by how we see ourselves by: Define the Terms: Identity, Chaplain Identity, and Pastoral Care Conceptualize differences between company and field grade identity Discuss connections between Identity, Pastoral Care, and Supervision This is the terminal learning objective: ACTION: Define the process of the development of a chaplain identity and how it informs pastoral care. CONDITIONS: Given a discussion and interactive presentation in a classroom setting. STANDARD: Identify how to develop pastoral identity and identify how our actions in performing pastoral care are shaped by how we see ourselves by: Define the Terms: Identity, Chaplain Identity, and Pastoral Care Conceptualize differences between company and field grade identity Discuss connections between Identity, Pastoral Care, and Supervision SAFETY: There are no safety concerns. RISK: The risk assessment for this instruction is low ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: There is no impact on the environment EVALUATION: your performance will be evaluated by classroom participation Lead In: This class prepares the student’s foundation for all other supervisory tasks and functions.
What is ‘identity’? This is LSA 1: 50 minutes The purpose of this activity is to define three key terms we will use today. We will start with the term “Identity” [For this slide, encourage students to use a dictionary and look up “Identity,” “ Self,” “Soul,” and “spirit”. See if a good working definition of identity can come from studying these words.] What is ‘identity’?
What is a ‘chaplain identity’? The Chief of Chaplains has highlighted the importance of chaplains work being found in a healthy identity. A recent study performed by a working group appointed by CH Hurley identified 5 elements of chaplain identity: Advisor, Prophet, Religious Leader, Military Leader, and Servant. What is your reaction to these 5 elements? How does the phrase “Chaplain Identity” or “ecclesiastical identity” make sense to you? How would you define “Chaplain Identity”? What is a ‘chaplain identity’?
What is ‘pastoral care’? What exactly is pastoral care? Please define it. How is pastoral care connected to the concept of identity? CHECK ON LEARNING: What is the current thinking within the chaplaincy on the five elements of chaplain identity? Answer: Advisor, Prophet, Religious Leader, Military Leader, and Servant. What is ‘pastoral care’?
“The False Self is the person we wish to present to the world, the person we want the world to revolve around.” -James Martin THIS IS LSA 2: 50 minutes of conference If we are not intentionally developing or maturing in our identity, we run the risk of (at best) operating from an immature identity or (at worst) operating from a false self. Field grade leadership demands a field grade identity. Field grade chaplains must embrace and develop a field grade chaplain identity.
“The problem of sanctity and salvation is in fact the problem of finding out who I am and discovering my true self.” -Thomas Merton Consider thinking about the connection between identity and pastoral care in the old leadership construct of BE-KNOW-DO. The BE is identity, who we are and our maturity, the KNOW is knowledge and skills needed to do a job, and the DO is performing chaplaincy tasks and the ministry of religious support in the Army. Consider: Healthy Being + Competent Knowing = Excellent Doing Complete the equation: Weak, immature Being + Competent Knowing = __________________ Doing Complete the equation: Healthy Being + Incompetent Knowing = ______________________ Doing Complete the equation: Weak immature being + Incompetent Knowing = ____________________ Doing
W O was ? Battalion Chaplain Identity Examine Educational Outcomes for 1LT/CPT Chaplains and AR 165-1: What is expected of a Company Grade Chaplain? How would you define company grade chaplain identity? It may be helpful to think in terms of what do 1LT/CPT chaplains need to be-know-do. What do you think about the chief’s tiger team chaplain identity construct as it relates to what a Company Grade Chaplain ultimately does? Company Grade chaplains identity enables them to be the primary Doers of direct religious support. CHCEK ON LEARNING: What are the elements of BN Chaplain Identity? Prophet, religious leader, military Leader, Advisor, Servant… SUMMARY: A BN / company grade chaplain is a “doer” of religious support with a focus on Soldiers, Families, and DA Civilians in your unit. Battalion Chaplain Identity
Who are Y U ? Supervisory Chaplain Identity Examine AR 165-1 (search for “supervisor” and take note of what they do; reflect on your readiness), DA PAM 600-3, CH 39, and FM 1-05: What do Supervisory Chaplains do and what does it take (in terms of identity) to do that? How must a chaplain’s identity develop in order to embrace and be effective in a supervisory capacity? How would you define a field grade chaplain identity in terms of what supervisory chaplains need to be-know-do that is different from 1LT/CPT chaplains? Examine Educational Outcomes for Field Grade Chaplains: Outcome 1 Demonstrate excellent presence (confidence, resilience) Outcome 2 Possess the attributes of a critical thinker, sound judgment and innovation Outcome 3 Prioritizes limited resources to accomplish mission Outcome 4 Demonstrate the ability to take calculated risks Outcome 5 Proactive in developing others through individual coaching counseling and mentoring Outcome 6 Actively learns to master organizational level knowledge, critical thinking and visioning skills Outcome 7 Anticipates and provides for subordinates needs for training and development Outcome 8 Effectively communicates information and recommendations across echelons Outcome 9 Demonstrate the ability to effectively solve or adapt to complex problems and changing environment Outcome 10 Synthesize the elements of Religious Support in a JIIM environment Outcome 11 Demonstrate proficiency in communication (oral and written) Outcome 12 Demonstrate the ability to direct religious support at Task Force/brigade level Outcome 13 Model the Army (LDRSHIP) and Chaplain Corps (SACRED) Values Outcome 14 Develop subordinate UMTs through teaching, coaching, mentoring. Outcome 15 Develop and model a Life-long learner approach to the profession of arms and spiritual leadership Outcome 16 Demonstrate the ability to manage collegial differences in a respectful, firm and fair manner Outcome 17 Lead others in developing spiritual resiliency Outcome 18 Understand the importance of networking in Task Force/JIIM environment Outcome 19 Demonstrate the ability to build cohesive Unit Ministry Teams Outcome 20 Build support of the strategic vision Outcome 21 Demonstrate the ability to advise the Commander Outcome 22 Examine and analyze the effects of religion, culture, and worldview in the AO. Outcome 23 Demonstrate proficiency in counseling (pastoral and career) Outcome 24 Comprehends the lawful basis of the chaplaincy and the strategic implications for religious support; secures the future of the chaplaincy. Take a moment and compare and contrast CPT and MAJ level tasks and outcomes. How does the Army differentiate between company grade and field grade chaplains (skills, tasks, evaluation criterion); what do you notice that is different? A key element of a supervisory identity, according to our doctrine is supervision, training, and mentorship. Field Grade Chaplains continue to be doers of ministry, but their main focus shifts to becoming a maker of doers of religious support. What can happen if a field grade chaplain fails to embrace and develop a field grade chaplain identity? Answer: they could micro manager, they could be perceived as toxic, they could fail to make healthy doers of religious support and thus jeopardize the future of the chaplaincy. Supervisory Chaplain Identity
What does identity have to do with “toxicity” in religious leaders? THIS IS LSA 3: 50 Minutes of discussion / Student activity Note: toxic leaders are all about themselves and use people / things for self to the degree that the effectiveness of the organization is greatly diminished. One can be hard and demanding and not toxic. If the organization accomplishes it’s mission, and the leader is harsh and demanding, that leader may not be toxic. Consider the culture of the organization, the context. But our focus is toxicity in chaplains, not commanders. How does identity connect with the notion of toxic chaplains? How can each of us recognize the seeds of toxicity (that is, our False Self encroaching on our chaplain identity) and move toward true self? What does identity have to do with “toxicity” in religious leaders?
How does identity shape the delivery of pastoral care? How does a solid embracing of field grade chaplain identity inform solid, consistent delivery of pastoral care? Following the be-know-do construct, being, our identity, is the foundation (ethically and motivationally) that our behaviors emanate from. Weak foundation leads to weak execution. A weak field grade chaplain identity can contribute to ineffective delivery of pastoral care, leadership, mentoring and supervision of subordinates. How does identity shape the delivery of pastoral care?
What role do supervisory chaplains have in subordinate identity formation as it ultimately relates to the effective delivery of pastoral care? What role do supervisory chaplains have in subordinate identity formation?
References: “Internal Family Systems,” Dr. Richard Schwartz “There’s Part of Me,” Jon Schwartz “When Hearts Become Flame,” Dr. Stephen Muse “Becoming Who You Are,” James Martin “Spiritual Direction,” Henri Nouwen
Questions What are your questions? CHECK ON LEARNING: How would you differentiate company and field grade chaplain identity? Answer: All chaplains are prophets, advisors, military and religious leaders, and servants… doers of religious support. However field grade chaplains are makers of doers of religious support and that requires maturity, emotional intelligence, and a different focus than a company grade chaplain. How is identity connected to pastoral care? Answer: Following the be-know-do construct, being, our identity, is the foundation (ethically and motivationally) that our behaviors emanate from. Weak foundation leads to weak execution. A weak field grade chaplain identity can contribute to ineffective delivery of pastoral care, leadership, mentoring and supervision of subordinates.
Terminal Learning objective ACTION: Define the process of the development of a chaplain identity and how it informs pastoral care. CONDITIONS: Given a discussion and interactive presentation in a classroom setting. STANDARD: Identified how to develop pastoral identity and identified how our actions in performing pastoral care are shaped by how we see ourselves by: Defined the Terms: Identity, Chaplain Identity, and Pastoral Care Conceptualized differences between company and field grade identity Discussed connections between Identity, Pastoral Care, and Supervision
Define Terms: Identity, Chaplain Identity, and Pastoral Care Summary Define Terms: Identity, Chaplain Identity, and Pastoral Care Conceptualize differences between company and field grade identity Discussion of Identity, Pastoral Care, and Supervision This is what we covered during this lesson: Define Terms: Identity, Chaplain Identity, and Pastoral Care Conceptualize differences between company and field grade identity Discussion of Identity, Pastoral Care, and Supervision