A growing Church is likely to be willing to self-reflect, change and adapt according to its context With others or individually, imagine that you could change your church building to make it more suitable for your ministry and mission – it could be anything from a total redesign/rebuild or extension or something less ambitious like decorating a room, putting in a carpet or improving your church’s coffee area. Draw your dream church and compare your dream with other people’s ideas – use your ideas as a starting point for what might be possible or to identify how small changes might help your church be more welcoming, or more useful in your context. On a large plan of your church building group members could be invited to draw or mark up changes to the building that they can remember having taken place in the past. List any good changes which have taken place in your church or area in the last 5 years? How does thinking about change in its widest sense make you feel?. Use this as a starting point for prayer, maybe asking God to guide you as you consider change and also to help you be always open to positive change and not fearful.