Site Based Preconstruction – Site Set Up
Fencing, Gates and Security, Temporary Lighting How to set up a Construction site. All building sites must be secured from the general public. Safety is essential and clear signage is necessary for workers and visitors. Temporary lighting is essential for safety and allowing contractors to work effectively.
Welfare Facilities Building sites require office facilities, meeting spaces, break rooms for lunch and rest breaks. Communications equipment such as internet and telephone facilities are required as daily communication with contractors and suppliers will be necessary. Toilet facilities are essential
Site Decontamination Facilities Decontamination facilities are required on building sites in case of: Chemical spillages Fuel spillages Hazardous materials – Asbestos (during Demolition) Video on Asbestos Decontamination Asbestos Video
Storage Compounds, Hard standing, Temporary Works Gas Bottles for welding gasses are stored far away from accommodation blocks and the work areas in case of explosion. Spaces need to be found for building materials so that they are accessible but don’t get in the way of construction. Hazardous Chemicals Locating storage on the site is essential so that it can be delivered easily allowing access for vehicles and accessed by the construction workers easily.
1. List two welfare facilities needed on a building site and explain why they are necessary. 2. Give 3 security measures taken on a building site and explain why they are necessary. 3. Explain two factors you would have to consider when planning for materials storage on a building site.
4. Explain how storage might be organised to ensure the safety of staff and the smooth working of the site. 5. List three hazardous materials which could be found on a building site. 6. Explain the importance of decontamination facilities on a construction site.