What do you know about the Spanish-American War?
Based on the timeline & documents: Who were the opposing sides in the Spanish-American war? When did the Spanish-American war begin? Where did the Spanish-American war take place? What was the main cause of the Spanish-American War? Any additional contributing factors? Why might America have wanted to get involved in a war with Spain? Can this war be related to imperialism, if so how?
Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine, Havana Harbor, February 15, 1898 Show slide of Maine exploding and explain the following: • Cuba was colonized by Spain. • Cuban rebels had been fighting for independence. • Spain was thought to be brutal in repressing the rebellion. • U.S. had business interests in Cuba. • President McKinley had sent the Maine to Cuba (Why? To protect American interests? To prepare for war? To intimidate Spain? This is debated by historians. . .). • Maine explodes on Feb 15, 1898.
Background on Cuba Cuba was colonized by Spain - think 1492 By 19th only Cuba and Puerto Rico still colonies of Spain in the Carribean; Spain controlled the Philippines & Guam in the Pacific U.S. had business interests in Cuba-$50 million Cuban rebels fight for independence. 1892 Jose Marti – wants Cuban Independence Starts rebellion destroying land (American owned businesses) General Weyler (Spain general sent to Cuba) institutes Reconcentration & Martial Law (1896) Lots of news stories about Cuba De Lome Letter (1898) Jan 25, 1898 President McKinley sent The Maine to Cuba (1898) …. Why? Did he have a right? February 15,1898 Maine explodes – 266 died May 1898 – USA declares war 300,000 in concentration camps
De Lome Letter "It shows once more that McKinley is weak and catering to the rabble and, besides, a low politician who desires to leave a door open to himself and to stand well with the jingos of his party."
Awake United States! Eagle soar on high, and sound the battle cry! This song was rushed into print between the sinking of the Maine on February 16, 1898 and the declaration of war on April 25, 1898. Eagle soar on high, and sound the battle cry! How proudly sailed the warship Maine, a Nation’s pride, without a stain! A wreck she lies, her sailors slain. By two-faced butchers, paid by Spain! Eagle soar on high, And sound the battle cry Wave the starry flag! In mud it shall not drag! According to the song, who sunk the Maine? What does this song reveal about American attitudes?
According to “Awake United States” Spain sunk the Maine Does this mean it is true?
NYJ DESTRUCTION OF THE WAR SHIP MAINE WAS THE WORK OF AN ENEMY Assistant Secretary Roosevelt Convinced the Explosion of the War Ship Was Not an Accident. The Journal Offers $50,000 Reward for the Conviction of the Criminals Who Sent 258 American Sailors to Their Death. Naval Officers Unanimous That the Ship Was Destroyed on Purpose. NAVAL OFFICERS THINK THE MAINE WAS DESTROYED BY A SPANISH MINE.
NYT MAINE’S HULL WILL DECIDE Divers to Find Whether the Force of the Explosion Was from the Exterior or Interior. SHE WAS AFLOAT FOR AN HOUR Spontaneous Combustion in Coal Bunkers a Frequent Peril to the Magazines of Warships – Hard to Blow Up the Magazine.
The Role of the Media What effect might the Journal article have had on its readers? What effect might the Times article have had on its readers? Which would the people want to believe?
The First “Media” War New York Journal & New York World William Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer Yellow journalism Sensationalized, exaggerated and sometimes even manufactured (made up) stories Why do this??? Maybe did not start the war, but definitely fueled the fire with the public 19 March The battleship U.S.S. Oregon left the port of San Francisco, California on its famous voyage to the Caribbean Sea and Cuban waters. March 3 Commodore George Dewey moved to the Philippines April 4 – NYJ calls for immediate entry into the war!
The Media War
Why Uncle Sam Are We Waiting http://www.authentichistory.com/1898-1913/4-imperialism/2-saw/1-prelude/18980000_Uncle_Sam_Tell_Us_Why_Are_You_Waiting-George_J_Gaskin.html What does this song infer?? Does this matter? Why do you think the public feels this way??
A month after the Maine Explosion, McKinley declares: Cuba independent & demands a complete withdraw of Spanish troops (Teller Amendment) Called for unconditional compliance from Spain by April 23 Denies any desire by USA to keep Cuba April 22nd McKinley blockades Cuba’s coastline If you were Spain what would you do?