Preparing a Formal Lab Report SPH4U
Where will you see this? First - fourth year University science courses (sometimes at the college level as well) Engineering Jobs Cross Curricular - Chemistry, Biology, Health Sciences, even social sciences
Tip - Prepare a template! Prepare a template for yourself to have and use for the future. Moving forward, your lab submissions will all be electronic. Creating an electronic copy of your data/error analysis that consists of math intricate math formulas takes a while. As you conduct different experiments, you can change/add to your preset template to save you time. Trust Me → Consider these SHORT examples
Summary of Components Formal Lab Submission Title Page Abstract Introduction (Purpose or Background information) Apparatus (Materials/Equipment List) Lab Set Up (Clear Diagrams and labelling) Procedure (Methods) Data Analysis (Observations) Example Calculations Experimental Theoretical Experimental Error Conclusion/Discussion References Appendices
An online reference to consider Note: Although this is a good place to start, all professors and teachers will ask for particular components to be entered in slightly different formats. Always refer to your course syllabus for each of your different lab entries.
Practice with this double slit experiment First draft due date: December 19th, 2016 Due Date: 11:05 hrs, December 22nd, 2016 [NO LATE ENTRIES]