Ch 7 Section 2: Restless Continents We know that Earth’s lithosphere is in constant motion. Scientists have observed that mountains are growing and continents are shifting. We have been learning about the features of the interior of the Earth. Knowing these features will help us answer the ultimate question of: Why are the tectonic plates moving?
Reconstructing Pangaea Lab The first scientist who believed that the continents actually moved was a man named Alfred Wegner. After studying the shapes of the continents he proposed the idea that the continents had slowly changed position over time. This idea became known as the Theory of Continental Drift. In this lab, you will follow in Wegner’s footsteps and reconstruct Pangaea using the same evidence he used.
Reconstructing Pangaea Lab You will follow the procedure on your Lab Sheet to complete this activity. The slides on this presentation will help you in your reconstruction. Ask questions and follow directions. Before you begin, click on the image below to view a short video.
Evidence from Fossils
Evidence from Glaciers and Mountains