Martian Radiation Env. Modelling Tools (QinetiQ)


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Presentation transcript:

Martian Radiation Env. Modelling Tools (QinetiQ) It is recommended that work address three principal activities development of tools to allow engineers to assess radiation environment for different mission scenarios development of underlying physics to incorporate into tools application of tools to use-case(s), e.g to demonstrate and assess performance of different habitat shielding approaches, or spacecraft/habitat “solar storm-shelter” design options and influence of particle anisotropy A number of tools are required for future Mars mission development and operation: An engineering model of the Martian surface and albedo radiation: It shall be able to predict the radiation at a given time and location, and its derivative quantities i.e. primarily radiobiological dose, but also TID, NIEL, LET etc. Requires models of the radiation for the interplanetary space, these include GCR, solar proton and X-ray, Jovian electrons. Need model of the Martian atmosphere with greater analysis of influence of planet surface Need a good database of the Martian surface composition A tool to access the radiation profile for an given mission scenario: Requires the Martian radiation model and models for interplanetary radiations. Need Interplanetary mission trajectory generator. Need Shielding assessment tools Shielding assessment tools Simple shielding tools exist, such as SSAT, MULASSIS, SHIELDOSE Need more sophisticated 3D shielding analysis tools for detailed shielding study of spacecraft and habitat on Mars.

Physics developments required for the production of tools (QinetiQ) A reference model of the GCR mode Existing ones for the Earth environment (1AU) and they don’t agree on the short time scale (< months). Better model for heavier ions e.g. Davis Use existing experimental data (SREM PROBA, …) to validate the model Models of solar energetic particle radiation X-ray and proton: How to scale existing engineering models such as JPL, ESP and ISO. Model of individual event, worst case spectrum and mission-accumulated fluence, taking into account helio-radial dependence and particle anisotropy of SPE flux (use TRP IITT on Solar Energetic Particle Environment Modelling where possible) Model of Jovain electrons Improvement and validation of Geant4 hadron physics The 5 - 15 GeV gap between cascade and quark gluon models Ion physics: i) complete and validate the quark gluon model for ions; ii) improve the angular distribution of fragments in abrasion model iii) validate upper A-Z limit of binary light-ion model Lower priority: treatment of light nuclear fragment from relativistic ED reactions, and validate fission model for 1.2GeV particle interactions. Study the active shielding options: magnetic and electric