IACP Public Safety Broadband Forum Washington, DC Wednesday, June 25, 2014 Call In: (510) 227-1018 | Conference ID: 1927086 Webinar Access Information: https://join.me/npstcsupport1 Submit Questions Online Send email to “attend@npstc.org” 1
IACP Public Safety Broadband Forum Opening Ralph Haller, NPSTC Chair Reconvene
Interoperability Discussion John Lenihan, Chair & Pam Montanari, Vice Chair
Interoperability Discussion Radio Interoperability Best Practice – Mark Schroeder, Chair Newly created group with significant interest by public safety Based on recent After Action Reports that indicate ongoing problems with interoperability Many of these are based on failure to incorporate best practices into planning, technology, deployment and training
Radio Interoperability Best Practices (1 of 3) First conference call June 12 90+ members of the Working Group Goal is to produce a Best Practices Report that discusses optimal ways to achieve interoperability Not looking to recreate existing work with COML, COMT Not looking to recreate work of NECP, SAFECOM and others
Radio Interoperability Best Practices (2 of 3) Currently gathering a list of issues, concerns and problem factors that occur Creating sub groups that will examine issues based on the lanes of the SAFECOM Continuum Governance SOP/Policy & Procedure Technology Training & Exercises Usage/Equipment/Readiness
Radio Interoperability Best Practices (3 of 3) Radio Interoperability Best Practice Report Outline Executive Summary Overview of Issue Description of current problems Recommendations and Best Practices References and Appendix Working with Radio PCR group to incorporate use of the PAM Tool
Interoperability Discussion NFPA Chapter 9 Task Group – Doug Aiken NFPA Standard 1802 – John Lenihan Discuss Final Executive Summary, April 14, 2014 LMR two-way portable radios Public safety broadband handheld devices Two-way LMR paging devices Remote speaker microphones and other accessories Review impact for operation in dangerous conditions (IDLH)
Spectrum Management Discussion David Buchanan, Chair & Stu Overby, Vice Chair
Spectrum Management Discussion 4.9 GHz National Plan Recommendations – David Buchanan Filed October 24, 2013 in response to FCC NPRM Plan includes provisions for robots and airborne video FCC issued Public Notice October 30, 2013 requesting comments on NPSTC National Plan Recommendations NPSTC Ex Parte filed with FCC April 28, 2014 to address comments and clarify intent of Plan Recommendation Status: 4.9 GHz issues await FCC Decision
Spectrum Management Discussion GAO Request for NPSTC Input – Stu Overby In a response to GAO June 9, 2014, NPSTC highlighted its recommendations to date re the Public Safety Broadband Network: NPSTC 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband Task Force Report and Recommendations, September 4, 2009; Mission Critical Voice Communications Requirements for Public Safety, August 30, 2011; Priority and QoS in the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network, April 17, 2012; Public Safety Broadband High Level Launch Requirements, Statement of Requirements for First-Net Consideration, December 12, 2012; Public Safety Broadband, Push-to-Talk Over Long Term Evolution Requirements, July 18, 2013; and Defining Public Safety Grade Systems and Facilities, Final Report, May 22, 2014.
Spectrum Management Discussion Petition for Rulemaking re: Railroad Police Eligibility – Stu Overby Petition requests that FCC modify rules so bona-fide Railroad Police are eligible to license/use public safety interoperability frequencies. Status: Petition filed with FCC May 16, 2014 FCC Released Public Notice May 30, 2014 requesting input Comments are due June 30; Reply Comments are due on July 15th NPSTC will assess Comments filed and decide if Reply Comments are needed.
Spectrum Management Discussion 911 Indoor Location Accuracy – Stu Overby FCC NPRM, PS Docket No. 07-114, proposed indoor location accuracy metrics: 50 meter horizontal axis accuracy for 67% of 911 indoor calls within 2 years of rule adoption, increasing to 80% at 5 years 3 meter vertical axis accuracy for 67% of 911 indoor calls within 2 years of rule adoption, increasing to 80% at 5 years Status: NPSTC filed Comments May 12, 2014 supporting FCC’s proposal and noting benefits of technology also in locating first responders. Some commenters recommended delaying requirements FCC extended Reply Comment deadline to July 14th NPSTC is considering filing Reply Comments.
Spectrum Management Discussion 700 MHz State Channel Substantial Service Showings – Bette Rinehart, Regulatory Task Group Member Applies to 700 MHz narrowband spectrum designated state channels States must demonstrate that they are providing or prepared to provide "substantial service" to one-third of their population or territory by the June 13, 2014 deadline.
Spectrum Management Discussion Status: Overview of responses to the June 13, 2014 deadline* 36 States filed responses 3 states cancelled their licenses (Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota) 2 states asked for an extension of time (North Dakota, Puerto Rico) 1 state (Iowa) requested a waiver of the deadline 8 substantial service showings have been accepted 28 remain pending 14 states made no filing * As of June 20, 2014
700 MHz State License Substantial Service Filings Filing Accepted Filng Pending Filing Returned by the FCC License Cancelled Request for extension of time No filing As of 6/20/2014 Courtesy, Bette Rinehart 17
Spectrum Management Discussion Part 90 Certified Frequency Coordinator – Stu Overby National Frequency Coordination, LLC (NFC) has requested to be certified as a Part 90 PLMR frequency coordinator LMCC, IAFC/IMSA/FCCA, APCO, AASHTO and FIT have all opposed the NFC request Comments state NFC is not representative of users There is also at least the appearance of conflicts since NFC shares ownership and offices with several entities who have applied for numerous PLMR frequencies it seeks to coordinate. NPSTC is considering filing Reply Comments due June 30
Spectrum Management Discussion IP Notice for Proposed Rulemaking– Kevin McGinnis, NASEMSO Representative Docket WC 10-90 Encompasses broadband for rural America, rates for wireline and universal funding Concern is policies may be used to try to hasten elimination of wireline phone service in rural areas Rural wireless coverage not a valid substitute for wireline Could eliminate the wireline “lifeline” connection
Spectrum Management Discussion LMCC Petition for Conditional Licensing – Stu Overby Conditional licensing allows Part 90 applicants to operate while FCC processes applications that meet certain conditions. Conditional licensing has been used successfully in bands below 470 MHz for 25 years. On May 15, 2014, LMCC filed a Petition for Rulemaking to extend conditional licensing to the 470-512, 800 and 900 MHz bands. Conditional licensing is increasingly important, given FCC processing times of 4 to 6 months Status: FCC issued Public Notice on 6/24/14
Summary of 2014 NPSTC Filings and Anticipated Filings Date Filing Topic Anticipated Filings 7/23/14* Comments Conditional Licensing 7/15/14 Reply Comments Railroad Police Eligibility 7/14/14 911 Indoor Location Accuracy 6/30/14 Part 90 Frequency Coordinator Filings YTD 6/6/14 Response to GAO Public Safety Broadband Network 5/16/14 Petition for Rulemaking 5/12/14 4/12/14 Ex Parte 4.9 GHz National Plan Proposal
Executive Session Executive Session (Level 4) Level Four: Governing Board – Executive Session I Chairman Vice Chair(s) Executive Director Committee Chairs Committee Vice Chairs Governing Board Members and Alternates As space allows, organization officers may be invited to be present and observe but not participate