Halloween Safety Tips Lt. Col John Kruger, SWR Safety Director
Halloween Safety Topics Treats Costume Materials Costume Design Houses to Trick-or-Treat Pedestrian Safety Tips on How to Stay Safe Safety Pledge 5 tip topics.
Treats Do not eat anything you receive while Trick-or-Treating until it is checked by an adult Food may be contaminated Allergies Candy Checks Carefully check all candy received as soon as the Trick-or-Treaters arrive home Remove all tampered, old, and “funny looking” candy Hospitals and Police Stations will check candy for FREE Bring your own candy to eat while Trick-or-Treating Poisoned candy and razor blades in candy apples are largely an urban myth. The have actually been no reported cases of mass Halloween candy sabotage – but, candy is often UNINTENTIONALLY tainted. Candy can be spoiled, rotten, or have been exposed to other contaminants. There may also be cross-contamination of the candies leading to food allergies. TMH will x-ray candy on October 31st for free and all police officers will be more than happy to perform candy and costume safety checks.
Don’t Take Candy From This Person…
Costume Materials FLAME RESISTANT MATERIALS!! $ 2.99 Costumes = NO!! As a general rule, the cheaper the costume the less flame resistant it will be. Rayon and Synthetic Costumes Most children’s costumes are made of rayon. Rayon is extremely farmable!!! Most of the cheap costumes are basically made of lighter fluid. Look for costumes that are flame resistant or made from woven or natural fibers.
Costume Design Trim costumes with reflective tape Carry flashlights (glow sticks, flaming skulls, light sabers, etc.) Costumes should be short enough to prevent children from tripping and falling Wear well-fitting, sturdy shoes Don’t wear the cheap cardboard shoes that come with most costumes. Also, don’t let your child wear your shoes – this is a major tripping hazard.
Costume Design Masks should fit! Using face paint or make-up whenever possible is a great alternative Swords, knives, and similar costume accessories should be of soft and flexible material Templates can be found on the web!
Houses to Trick-or-Treat An ADULT should always accompany children Don’t talk to strangers Children should go only to homes where the residents are known Only visit houses with outside lights ON Never, ever go inside to collect candy
Welcoming Trick-or-Treaters Move Halloween decorations from the walkway Make sure to have lights ON Place battery operated lights in Jack-O-Lanterns to avoid fire hazard Keep sugar free and peanut free candy on hand
Pedestrian Safety MOST IMPORTANT! Always have an adult or guardian present Walk on the side-walk – never in the street! Go in the late afternoon or at night – avoid sunset Dusk is actually a bad time for trick or treating. The combination of setting sun glare, no streetlights, and non-contrasting sky makes dusk dangerous for trick or treaters. At night the streetlights and headlights will be on.
Pedestrian Safety Avoid walking between parked cars While driving – WATCH FOR CHILDREN, ESPECIALLY WHEN BACKING – they really blend in while in costume!
Can You Find the Kid? – they may blend into the decor
Tips On How To Stay Safe Be aware of your surroundings, plan where you're going and how you're going to get there. Walk facing oncoming traffic. Avoid underpasses or shortcuts unless the lighting is good and you're confident they're safe.
And Finally... Don't hitchhike or accept rides with casual acquaintances or strangers. If you think you're being followed on foot, cross a road and keep walking towards a well lit area. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Be alert and observant.
Even More Tips... Stick to busy, well-lit places. Carry a cell phone with useful numbers programmed for quick dialing. Let other people know where you're going - if you change your plans remember to let them know.