Hearing Aids
1600- 1700 Hearing aid Trumpets Wide at one end, narrow at the other Worn by Beethoven
1940’s Body Aids Worn around neck Wires Heavy battery
Late 1940’s – for men
1950’s Designed to be decorative Hidden in beards, hair, clothes, scarves
1954 By 1959, 50 % of hearing aids were sold as “glasses” http://beckerexhibits.wustl.edu/did/20thcent/part6.htm
Hearing aids get smaller Late 1950 – early 1960 BTE – Behind the ear
ITE – In the ear http://www.heardenver.org/in-the-ear-hearing-aid-ite.html
1980- 1990 In the canal
1985 – First cochlear implant
Bone Anchored Hearing Aid