Advertisement & Product placement


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Presentation transcript:

Advertisement & Product placement

Assignments in your teams! Read through the presentation. Read the text ”Product Placement” Watch the clips that are linked in the presentation Discuss the questions and write down your answers. Do the product placement exercise. Hand in the answers to the questions and what you’ve planned for the product placement exercise at the end of class.

Regular advertisement – on tv, in newspapers, in magazines, online

Product placement Companies pay to have their product, brand or service “placed” in television shows, movies, and video games Hope to gain exposure by having their product/service blend into the story or, i.e., it doesn’t look like a commercial

Examples of product placement From Transformers: Different examples of product placement in movies and on TV shows:

Discussion questions What do you think works better (to get people to buy the product), regular advertisement or product placement? How do you think advertisement and product placement influence you? When it comes to product placement, how can viewers know if a product is used for artistic reasons or if it is shown as an advertisement? Do you notice product placement in movies and on TV shows? Is it ethical for a company to use this kind of hidden advertising? Should movies and television shows be required to disclose all placements at the end during the credits? Hand in the minutes from the discussion to me!

Product placement excercise Work in your groups. Each group will get a product (you can see the products on the next slide) Choose a reality TV show to place the product in. It could be a Swedish show or a foreign show. Develop suggestions for how the product could be incorporated into the storyline. Make a short presentation using PP which you hand in at the end of class. The suggestions should be detailed and well thought through. Remember that a good example of product placement is subtle. Presentation on Monday - no more than 3 minutes
