Town of Mamaroneck 2015 Preliminary Budget Public Hearing December 3, 2014
2014 Budget Goals Maintaining the Town’s Financial Stability Insure Adequate Reserve Funds Provide Flexibility for Future Budgets Address Deferred Maintenance Issues for facilities and infrastructure
Budget Environment 2015 Budget reflects a slow but steady improvement in the national and regional economy Notable improvement to Non-Tax Revenues for the first time in a number of years Improved surplus position further strengthens our financial strength Well positioned to continue all municipal services
Property Tax Cap Legislation Originally Enacted in 2011 Not a cap on the rate at which taxes are apportioned; cap is on the total tax levy New wrinkle for 2015 provides for a property tax rebate to property owners in communities and school districts that adopt tax levies that fall within the tax cap
Comparison of Town Tax Levy vs. Tax Cap Allowed Tax Levy 2012 2013 2014 2015 Actual Tax Levy 21,344,240 22,342,535 22,994,635 23,448,445 Tax Cap Levy 21,425,170 21,880,836 22,788,375 23,449,100 Actual % Increase 2.8% 4.7% 2.9% 1.97% Allowable % Increase 3.23% 2.5% 2.0% 1.98%
2015 Budget Overview 2014 2015 Change % Change $33,019,546 $34,320,994 2014 2015 Change % Change Appropriations $33,019,546 $34,320,994 $1,301,448 3.9% Non-Tax Revenue 9,809,911 10,512,549 702,638 7.2% Reserve Application 215,000 360,000 145,000 67% Property Tax Levy $22,994,635 $23,448.445 $453,810 1.97%
Property Tax Impact Village Resident 2014 2015 Change % Town Taxes $517.00 $528.00 $11.00 2.1% Unincorp. Resident 2014 2015 Change % Town Tax $6,127.00 $6,226.00 $99.00 1.7%% Calculation based upon average property assessment of $1.1 million
Apportionment of Town Budget Village Residents Unincorporated Area Residents Appropriations $11,525,170 $34,320,994 Non-Property Tax Revenue 7,115,625 10,512,549 Surplus Application 200,000 360,000 Tax Levy $4,209,545 $23,448,445 Tax Rate $.48/$1,000 of valuation $5.66/$1,000 of valuation Average Property Tax $528.00 $6,226.00
Apportionment of Town Budget Between Unincorp. & Village
Where Will the Money Come From ?
Use of Fees and Charges Growing trend of utilizing fees for service as opposed to property taxes Property taxes based solely on property value not use of services Fees give property owners more flexibility to control their costs based upon the use of municipal services.
Use of Fees and Charges Fees are not always an option: Police Service, Fire Service, Highway Services don’t lend themselves to user fees. Cannot forget that the property tax cap is also a contributing factor to the use of fees and charges particularly now when a rebate is being offered by New York State Government. Well before the enactment of the Property tax cap the Town realized the value of fees for certain municipal services
Town’s Use of Fees and Charges Activity Budget Total Revenue Revenue as a Percentage of Budget Recreation Services $2,728,192 $2,431,500 90% Building Services/Land Use Permits $694,589 $367,500 53% Ambulance Services $1,455,857 $915,100 63% Water District $295,024 100% Sanitary Sewer $206,513 $84,500 41%
Where Will the Money Go? Expense Type 2014 2015 Change % change Salaries $13,282,696 $13,518,135 $235,439 1.7% Equipment $207,500 $211,420 $3,920 1.8% Contractual Expenses $8,903,745 $9,228,048 $324,303 3.6% Employee Benefits $8,388,275 $8,556,205 $167,930 2.0% Debt Service $1,861,330 $2,436,186 $574,856 30.8% Inter-fund Transfers $376,000 $371,660 ($4,340) (1.1%)
2015 Budget Expense Highlights Full Time headcount remains unchanged at 129 employees Three new part time positions-Code and Parking Enforcement $60,000 Central Fleet Garage- Budget increase in anticipation of joint venture with Village of Larchmont for vehicle maintenance $43,000
Budget Highlights Continued Youth Programs-Reinstatement of Teen Escape Program $21,000 Larchmont Library- anticipated 2% increase in Town share $23,800 Joint Garbage Commission- Worker’s comp & other expenses $81,000 Sustainability Collaborative-Implementation of Sustainability Plan $25,500
2015 Capital Improvement Program Equipment $ 630,000 Highway Improvements 713,953 Buildings 1,554,585 Sanitary Sewers 15,000 Storm Drainage 70,000 Recreation Facilities 46,200 Technology/Misc. Equipment 40,000 Total $3,069,738 Funding Sources Budget Appropriations $ 325,100 Grants In Aid 390,000 Capital Project Funds 475,795 Bond Anticipation Notes $1,893,943
Capital Project Highlights Replacement of the Town Center Roof $ 325,000 Renovation to Police Headquarters 525,000 Weaver Street Fire Headquarter Repairs 325,000 Weaver Street Sidewalk Extension Project 393,000 New Jefferson Street Parking Imp 178,000 Replace of Premium Marsh Outfall Pipe 45,000 Var. Repairs to Outdoor Hommocks Pool Outdoor Recreation Facilities 46,000 Larch. Reservoir Flood Valve Replacement 15,000
Expenditure Illustration by Type of Service