SADPMR STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2011 TO 2014 PPC - 28 June 2011
BACKGROUND The Regulator was established in 2007 as a Schedule 3A entity; The main purpose of the Regulator is to regulate the diamonds and precious metals industries in terms of; Diamond Amendments Act, Act 29 of 2005; The Diamond Second Amendment Act, 30 of 2005; and Precious Metals Act, Act 37 of 2005
Vision, mission and values Regulating for business excellence Mission We render regulatory services by ensuring; Compliance with legislation; Skills transfer; Business development support; Equitable access to resources Local beneficiation; Values Integrity, Respect, Time management, Accuracy and consistency
RELEVANT OUTCOMES TO SADPMR Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Output: To critically review our support for cooperatives & small businesses and to develop a clear plan to improve our performance in this regard Outcome 7: Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities with food security for all Output: Rural job creation, skills training and promoting economic livelihoods Outcome 11: Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa - Output: Enhanced trade and investment and regional integration Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development orientated Public Service and empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship - Output: Human Resource management and development - Output: Business processes, systems and decision rights and accountability - Output: Tackling corruption
STRATEGIC OBJCETIVES OF SADPMR Strategic Objective 1: To ensure competitiveness, sustainable development and job creation in the diamond and precious metals industry; Strategic objective 2: To ensure effective transformation of the diamond and precious metals sectors Strategic objective 3: To ensure equitable access to resources for local beneficiation Strategic objective 4: To ensure compliance with the legislative requirements Strategic objective 5 To improve organizational capacity for maximum execution of brilliance
Strategic objective 1: To ensure competitiveness, sustainable development and job creation in the diamond and precious metals industries Facilitate business development in the diamond and precious metals beneficiation; and Facilitate and issue beneficiation licenses
Strategic objective 2: To ensure effective transformation of the diamonds and precious metals sectors Process and issue licenses in line with the Broad based Charter;
Strategic objective 3: To ensure equitable access to resources for local beneficiation Embark on a marketing strategy to increase client base; Facilitate the market of polished diamonds; Facilitate the buying and selling of diamonds
Strategic objective 4: To ensure compliance with legislative requirements Conduct inspections in both the diamond and precious metals sectors/ industries; Conduct workshops to inform and educate the diamond and precious metals industries; Verify value of all diamonds offered to State Diamond Trader by producers; Verify the value of all unpolished diamonds imports; Identify, describe and value exhibits confiscated by SAPS and complete court affidavits; Participate in the KPCS review visits/ mission and special envoys; Facilitate the registration of exports and imports of diamonds in line with KPCS statutes; Implement the National vetting strategy; Manage revenue, expenditure, assets and liability effectively and efficiently
Strategic objective 5: To improve organizational capacity for maximum execution of brilliance Support MINTEK Diamond Provenance Lab with technical expertise; Compile a precious metal supplier database for beneficiators; Provide technical insight, advice and research on diamonds and precious metals; Monitor and analyze prices to adjust the GDV diamond price book; Develop and implement Human Resource Plan; Develop and implement an Information Management system; Develop communication strategy/ plan and policy; Develop security procedures; Align budget to approved strategy
BUDGET ALLOCATION FOR SADPMR ORGANIZATION FINANCIAL YEAR – 2011/12 FINANCIAL YEAR – 2012/13 FINANCIAL YEAR – 2013/14 SADPMR 53,6 million 68,7 million (requested) 72,9 million (requested)
REMARKS/ CHALLENGES Shrinking budget allocation; Declining/ shrinking diamond industry; Complexities with regards to the beneficiation of precious metals; Lack of access of rough diamonds by beneficiators; Gaps in legislation and litigations