Oro Loma SD Collection System Compliance Evaluation Inspection BACWA Collection System Committee Meeting May 12, 2016
It Begins-
Review Checklist/Dividing Duties
Dividing Duties
Dividing Duties
Check Calendars/Set Audit Date
Filling out Checklist- timeline 2/29, 1ST contact 2/29-3/2, review checklist, decide who will take part in audit, check schedules for availability. 3/3, Confirm audit date with Water Board (confirmed for 4/6 later postponed to 4/14). 3/3-3/25, Complete checklist and return. 3/25-4/14, Prepare for audit Volunteered for audit In our case, we determined we would have GM, DE, AM, MS and FS participate. 21 days to complete and return checklist. 7 working days to prepare for audit (extended to 13) 45 days start to finish
Go on Vacation
Day of Inspection Inspection starts at 9:00 am 9:00-12:00, presentation on checklist given 12:00-1:00, lunch/review of documents 1:00-4:00, site visit of a large and small lift station and site visit of 2-SSO locations.
Questions of the Day How is it that you are reporting such a low number of overflows? How is it that so little spill volume has reached a waterway? How are you estimating spill volumes? Answer- It is our hope that after watching our presentation you will be able to answer your own questions.
Begin Presentation Checklist was converted into Powerpoint presentation. Slides were developed with spaces for GIS and other program demonstrations. Staff did 2 dry runs of presentation prior to date.
GIS Demonstration
GIS Demonstration/CCTV Ratings
3+ Years of Production Records
1 Year of Reports
SSO Records
Blackstone SSO Site Inspection
Cambrian SSO Site Inspection
SSO Spill Volume Estimating
Conclusions Low number of SSO events attributed to aggressive cleaning and inspection programs- “You are finding the problems before they find you”. No violations noted.
Follow-up Requested documents sent Follow-up phone calls confirmed number of employees- Coll vs. Maint. and miles of pipe (decimal points). Incorporate comments from P. Causey and inspection.