Stranger Danger
Who is a stranger? Someone you do not know Someone you do know that makes you feel uncomfortable
What is the Danger? Being harmed Being taken Being given unsafe items Asked to do things which are against the law
Strangers You Don’t Know A stranger might ask you to: Find a puppy/pet Help with bags Have a chat Ask you to talk to a friend around the corner Offer you sweets or toys Offer you a lift in their car They make you feel uncomfortable They say inappropriate things or act inappropriately
What To Do To Look After Yourself? Tell an adult Go to a safe place Tell the Police Keep moving Drop to the ground Make LOTS OF NOISE
Make NOISE Draw as much attention to you as possible Shout that you do not know the person Scream and kick The attention you draw will help you and is likely to scare the ‘stranger’ away or allow others to see the ‘Stranger’
Be SMART Make a plan with parents/carers for pickup Tell an adult where you are going - if plans change call them Don’t walk around with headphones or on a mobile device Be in a group or pair – play in public areas Be SMART Smart Means Always Recognising Trouble
Today 2 Y6 boys were approached in Bury Hall Lane by a dark blue car. They are safe and they told us. They made good choices. What do you think they did?