Authentication 2.0: User Generated Security Bring Your Own Token (BYOT) Selahaddin Karatas CEO SolidPass
“Why do I rob banks? Because that is where the money is…” -Jesse James Technology has changed – danger hasn’t “Why do I rob banks? Because that is where the money is…” -Jesse James
Game of Thrones 10 years ago. today?
MitB, DNS Cache Poisoning Threat Mutations Phishing & Pharming External MitM, MitMO, MitB, DNS Cache Poisoning Internal Inside Job
The Threat Landscape in 2011 92% from external agents
81% involved hacking & / malware
A Few Examples Of Emerging Threats The Mobile threat APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats) Hacktivism Cyber War Manipulated SEO The Cloud Malware Rogue Certificates Social Networks Embedded Hardware Shortened URLs Poisoned QR codes Digital Virtual Currencies A Few Examples Of Emerging Threats
Mobile devices (BYOD) Mobile browsers Mobile malware Mobile banking The Mobile Threats Mobile devices (BYOD) Mobile browsers Mobile malware Mobile banking
Attacks on Mobile Users Android malware takes off Attacks on Mobile Users The wording of the mobile app app needs a little clarification.
Social-engineering (re-engineered)
Our personal credentials are everywhere…literally Facebook, Linkedin, iPhone apps like Path steal contacts from your address book, “No Permissions” Android apps harvest and export device data…
Zeus in the Mobile – ZitMo From Phishing to MITM Zeus in the Mobile – ZitMo Looks good? Look again…
Zeus moves to the cloud Researchers discovered a new version of Zeus malware that targets users of cloud-based payroll services. 1. Zeus captures a screenshot of the service provider’s login page when a user infected with the Trojan visits the site 2. This image records the employee’s username, password, company number and the icon needed to bypass the provider’s image-based authentication system.
Out of band SMS is not enough An attack used by the SpyEye Trojan circumvents mobile SMS security measures used by many banks….
SpyEye Trojan in the news The crafty SpyEye trojan can adjust victim’s balance and create fake online bank statements too to keep the victim unaware of the fraud.
Remote Access Attack Vectors The attackers got in via a VPN or remote access connection in 55% of the breaches investigated by Trustwave SpiderLabs in 2011
The solution is Out of band and offline authentication, preferably Challenge-Response based
Securing the Digital Realm Business Applications Web Applications Network Applications Online Banking E-Government E-commerce Extranet Intranet Strong Authentication RADIUS SaaS Custom Custom Applications With Web Services & Integrated into Mobile Apps…
With challenge-response, user authenticates server & server authenticates user Employ Challenge - Response for logins in order to obtain user authentication Making sure the right user has the correct key…
Use more than static username & password Strong authentication with Microsoft OWA Use more than static username & password
Embed it where possible The BYOT model - user generated authentication BYOT model: outsource the hardware to the end-user Embed it where possible The BYOT model - user generated authentication
Thank you @solidpass