EDMA Final Presentation Taylor Lee
Deliverable Status Autonomously Navigate and Exhibit Collision Avoidance (COMPLETED) Identify a Specified Target (COMPLETED) Delivery of a Payload to the Identified Target (FINALIZING) Detonate the Payload Via RF Communications (COMPLETED)
Stretch Goal Status 1. Search Algorithm 2. Special Affects Basic search algorithm implemented, advanced algorithm will not be attained 2. Special Affects Blinking LED added to payload, sounds or other effects will not be attained
Murphee’s Law and Mitigation 1. Malfunctioning Xbee RF module - A second replacement module was ordered and has been integrated into the system. 2. Malfunctioning Servo and Gripper -New servo and gripper were ordered and integrated on the system. 3. Original Enclosure Not Manufactured - The 3D printing lab would not print the original enclosure. An off the shelf container is replacing the enclosure.
Top Level Schematics Platform payload
PI CASES There are 5 main scenarios of concern for the system The module doesn’t see the ball: Implement “search” (Case 1) The ball is to the left and the radius is small: Implement “turn left” (Case 2) The ball is to the right and the radius is small: Implement “turn right” (Case 3) The ball is in the center and the radius is small: Implement “drive” (Case 4) The ball is centered and the radius is large: Implement “deploy” (Case 5)
MEGA CASES The variables of interest for the Mega are the serial command from the Pi and the distance reading on the ultrasonic rangefinders. The cases for the Mega are as follows: An object is closer than the “danger distance”: Vehicle stops Search mode command from the Pi: Implement “search” (Case 1) Turn left command from the Pi: Implement “turn left” (Case 2) Turn right command from the Pi: Implement “turn right” (Case 3) Centered and small radius command from Pi: Implement “drive” (Case 4) Centered and large radius command AND object is closer than “detonate distance”: Implement “deploy” (Case 5) Centered and large radius command NOT object is closer than “detonate distance”: Implement “drive” (Case 4)
EDMA Top Level Schedule REMAINING STEPS EDMA Top Level Schedule Deliverable Drop Dead Date All Parts Received 18-Sep Internal Avoidance Demo 25-Sep Customer Avoidance Demo 13-Oct Special System Demo 22-Oct Special System Report 29-Oct Pre-Demo Day 19-Nov Final Presentation 1-Dec Final Demo 3-Dec Final Written Report 8-Dec Media Day 9-Dec Fine tune and optimize any software Optimize distance Make payload package