PGL – Osmington Bay, Dorset Monday 12th June to Friday 16th June 2017 Year 6 School Journey PGL – Osmington Bay, Dorset Monday 12th June to Friday 16th June 2017
Only to be used in an emergency Centre details Dedicated activity centre Located in 46 acres of fully fenced in grounds Entry via single drive way in with 24 hour gated security Double security gates at front of site 24 hour security patrols Chalet rooms available accommodating 4 or 6 children. All with en-suite facilities. 3 meals a day. PGL Centre: Shortlake Lane, Osmington, Weymouth, Dorset, DT3 6EG Contact number for the centre = 03333212125 Only to be used in an emergency . centre Chalet accommodation – share with friends ( single sex rooms -before anyone asks ) Room arrangements Play space Restaurant and food Shop Security – one entrance / away from residential area/ centre staff on duty
Adults Miss Mander – Party Leader Miss Hughes– First Aider Mrs Metcalfe- Medicines Mrs Dale Mrs Englefield Mr Held Miss Illet Miss Camburn
Rooms The children have requested three friends who they would like to be with in their rooms. We will allocate rooms and we will make sure they have at least one friend from their requests. Rooms are mostly in 4s (x2 6’s rooms) Their activity group will be made up of their room plus 2 other rooms. Staff rooms are spaced throughout the children’s rooms. Chalet rooms accommodating 4 children. All with en-suite facilities. Children have one key per room. Doors cannot be opened from the outside without a key. Bedding = they must bring their own sleeping bag and pillow
Activities Children will split into groups of 12; they may do some of the following activities: Rifle shooting Abseiling Mountain bikes Climbing Hike off site Giant Swing Problem solving Survivor Zip wire Organised evening activities (capture the flag, disco etc) *** Hair will be tied up and jewellery removed (studs earrings are OK) The children will complete 4 activities per day and one evening activity. All instruction given by qualified staff at centre and school staff present
Food and medicines Miss Hughes and Mrs Metcalfe will be taking responsibility for all medicines. Please ensure medication (and inhalers) are in date and clearly labelled with your child’s name with instructions for administration. Plenty of food - 3 options plus vegetarian every day and salad bar. Three meals per day. All meat is Halal and the centre is nut free. Medical and dietary requirements- the centre is aware of all medical and dietary requirements.
Packing essentials 1 Luggage label- please have this attached to your child's luggage bag. Children must be able to manage their own luggage Lunch for Monday 12th in a bag that can be thrown away Named water bottle Black bin liner clearly labelled with your child’s name (wet and dirty clothing) Sleeping bag and pillow Books/comics and travel games. NO ELECTRONIC GAMES OR MOBILE PHONES. Suitable nightwear One towel for showering Washbag (no aerosol deodrants) Please ensure ALL your child’s belongings are LABELLED.
Packing essentials 2 One ‘old’ towel for wet activities 2 pairs of trainers for activities (preferably old trainers) Sun cream, hat / hat and gloves No jeans (Leggings, tracksuit bottoms, etc.) Long sleeve t-shirts (for activities where arms needs to be covered) T-shirts Disposable cameras (not digital) Layers for evening entertainment – hoodie, fleece Waterproofs – jacket and trousers if possible Small rucksack/bag Clearly labelled wallet with £8 maximum (change is best). This will be your child’s responsibility. Swimming kits Party attire Please ensure ALL your child’s belongings are LABELLED.
On the day… We depart by coach at 11am sharp. Children can come into school from 9.30am. On arrival please bring your child to the hall with their luggage (labelled luggage label attached) Medicines to be given to Miss Hughes and Mrs Metcalfe immediately. Lunch in a plastic bag that can be eaten at our half way point. Tweets- Mr Held will be tweeting throughout the week Luggage- the children must be able to carry it by themselves.
Lost Property Please label everything! Children are responsible for their own belongings. Lost property is hard to track down after a visit and there is a small charge for returning items (PGL charge). Contact Head Office on return if items have been left behind.
The children will receive a ‘what items to pack’ sheet
Departure Leaving at 2pm (maybe earlier depends on lunch!) They will have lunch at the centre before they leave We will let you know (via ParentMail) once we have left and our expected arrival time. We will aim to arrive back at school on Friday at approximately 4.30pm. We will email you if there are any significant delays.
Any questions…