Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Backyard Chooks Keeping your own flock Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Eggs (probably the first thing you think about when the word “chooks comes up!) Cultivation of veggie patch (authorised or unauthorised) Manure Entertainment Companionship Meat, if you have a mind to.... Why Chooks? Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Fertile eggs Sexed day old chicks Point-of-lay pullets Spent layers Commercial chicken producers Operating egg farms Friends Obtaining Your Chooks Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Crossbred Rhode Island Red Australorp White Leghorn Light sussex Plymouth Rock Breeds Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Accommodation 500mm of perch 0.5m2 of floor area at least Dry & protected Other chooks (social animals) Feed and water Dust bath Needs Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Accommodation – Pen and Run Farmyard classic Secure building with roosts and laying area Open yard for sun, dust bathing and exercise Can alternate yards and vegetable garden Accommodation – Pen and Run Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Accommodation – Deep Litter Start out with 10 – 15cm layer of wood shavings, saw dust, straw, hay etc. Add more as required Throw scratch mix on to get chooks to turn it over Clean out once per year Chooks remain inside but can be free ranged Accommodation – Deep Litter Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Accommodation – Chook Tractor Chooks remain inside at all times The tractor moves from bed to bed Avoids build up of pests and diseases Cultivate the ground and harvest snails, slugs, mulch, plants Accommodation – Chook Tractor Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Feed Commercial – mash, pellets or crumbles, store it dry, cool and vermin free. Coarse Grains & Grain substitutes - roots Green forage Scraps Insects Shell grit or limestone Hard grit Water Necessary for laying Cool, fresh and lots of it Feed & Water Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Health and other problems Generally fairly healthy Mites and lice Egg bound Cropbound Coccidosis & Mareks disease Garlic and sulphur Other bits Moulting Health and other problems Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Practical – Making a feeder Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
For more details check our website Sustainable Living in the Suburbs For more details check our website