What we will do What we will learn 12Px 31 Hongongoi 2017 Preliminaries and roll How to start well Extend the “wire swing” to an electric motor. Buzzwords: commutator, torque, lever arm How an electric motor works If time, introduce the opposite of the motor effect: the generator effect How to make a voltage in a wire and how this is ALSO the slap rule. Revisit the new HW, the due date and have HRT How to make it to the 10th of November okay
Today is Matt’s birthday Important Notice Today is Matt’s birthday
12PxHEN – Seating Plan Front of lab - Whiteboard
HW item Skills practiced Elex:P137 Due: Tues 4th of July 2017 Electric Field Strength Elex:P139 - 144 Electric Field Stength again – including Voltage and KE Elex:P145 and 146 The fundamentals of electricity: definitions of voltage and current Elex:P156 – top of P167 Due: Wed 5th of July 2017 Power in circuits and how to simplify complicated circuits. Elex:P171 and 172 Due: Tues 1st of August 2017 How magnetism behaves, two hand rules and F=BILsin Elex:P174 - 177 Due: Mon 7th of August 2017 Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field
Homework Marking No. of marks What for 1 Having sketches & FULL working for all Neat presentation and down-page format Answer underlined and units given Self marked and all correct – eventually In on time and signed for (“This is my own work”…….) Total A mark out of five that will contribute to the “homework” grade in the reports