Ballet History What is Ballet?
Beginnings of Ballet “Ballet” comes from the Italian word ballare, which means to dance. The dictionary defines ballet as…. Technique is what we refer to things a person needs to know to become skillful in an activity.
How does ballet differ? Principles of ballet are based on plie, 5 feet positions, and turnout
What was early ballet like? Court Entertainment Men danced in masks, heavy, colorful costumes, boots of shoes Movement was slow and sedated No stage, danced in audience
Where did ballet come from? Brought to France from Italy when Catherine de Medicis married King Henry II of France
Where was the first ballet school started? Royal Academy of Dancing and Music in 1661, established by Louis XIV Continued today as what we know as the Paris Opera. Place where 5 positions of the feet established by Pierre Beauchamp
How did ballet change? With new training professionals replaced nobles of the court Dance space moved from ballroom to stage Audience had a new view People who were never invited to see ballet now could - theaters
What was the most important change? Although women were allowed to study at the Royal Academy of Dance they were not permitted to perform. Boys dressed as girls played female roles May 16,1681 – 4 ladies danced to music by Jean Baptiste Lully