Programmatic Audit prepared for VCOE


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Presentation transcript:

Programmatic Audit prepared for VCOE Brenda Priske Kristen Walker Executive Director Assistant Director October 26, 2015 An Exemplary Arts Education School

Students on Waiting List Student Enrollment Data School Year Students Enrolled Students Disenrolled Denied Admission Students on Waiting List 2009/10 319 18 10 2010/11 339 3 141 2011/12 362 9 181 2012/13 366 5 203 2013/14 12 155 2014/15 153 2015/16 386 n/a

Due to the lottery priorities in our charter, our diversity does not show much difference from year to year. It is important to note that our outreach efforts do reach to greater diversity than is shown in our population.

Student Enrollment Data Special Populations School Year Number of EL Number of Special Ed SocioEconomically Disadvantaged Identified GATE 2009/10 13 (4%) 4 (1.25%) 3 (0.9%) Not available 2010/11 23 (6.7%) 17 (5%) 35 (10.3%) 26 (7.6%) 2011/12 23 (6.3%) 20 (5.5%) 25 (6.9%) 2012/13 20 (5.4%) 18 (4.9%) 11 (3%) 9 (2.4%)* 2013/14 17 (4.6%) 11 (3%)** 8 (2.1%)* 2014/15 21 (5.7%) 35 (9.5%) 13 (3.5%)** 9 (2.5%)* 2015/16 27 (7%) 37 (9.6%) 11 (2.8%)** 11 (2.8%)* Identified 4th and 5th grade students only. GATE testing occurs in February, at which time current 3rd graders are identified. ** *Since MATES does not have a hot lunch program, many of our families who may qualify as SocioEconomically Disadvantaged do not report this status.

Students Meeting or Exceeding Standards 73% of MATES Students Meet or Exceed State Standards in English Language Arts 74% of MATES Students Meet or Exceed State Standards in Mathematics

CAASPP Results by Subgroup

Plans to Improve English Language Arts Scores for Subpopulations Hire a Response to Intervention Specialist 4 hours per day. Provide English Language Instruction for English Learners in grades K-3 focusing on ELD standards Professional Development on the new ELD standards ELD standards will be integrated and designated by teachers within their schedules to meet the needs of English Language Learners. Purchase iPad applications for English immersion program- Provide instruction in academic vocabulary for English Language Learners Plans to Improve Mathematics Scores for Subpopulations Hire a Response to Intervention Specialist 4 hours per day. Provide instruction in academic math vocabulary Pilot and Implement McGraw Hill’s My Math Provide opportunities for teachers to attend professional development on Math standards Purchase iPad applications for Mathematics support

Progress on LCAP Goals Goal 1: Students will increase their reading comprehension as measured by grade level benchmark assessments. By May, 2015 80 % of students will score proficient or better on grade level benchmark assessments. As of March, 2015 77.53% of students scored proficient or better on grade level benchmark assessments. What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals? Grades K-1 will create comprehension questions for Scholastic benchmark books. Grade 2 will use Star and Reading Results Grades 3-5 will uses CAASPP results in addition to other benchmark assessments whether that is Datawise, School City or some other benchmark program. Consider hiring an Intervention Specialist to replace after school intervention by teaching staff

Progress on LCAP Goals Goal 2 – Students in grades K-3 will increase reading accuracy and fluency as measured by grade levelassessments such as Reading Results, STAR reading, Dibbles or Aims Web 75% of students in grades K-3 will read grade level text with 80% accuracy and fluency by the completion of the 2014-15 school year as measured by grade level benchmarks. 80.85% of students in grades K-3 read grade level text with 80% accuracy and fluency as measured by grade level benchmarks. What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals? Consider using School City, Datawise or another benchmark program to assess student learning. Use Scholastic Benchmark Books to assess accuracy, fluency and comprehension. Consider hiring an Intervention specialist for 3 1/2 hrs. per day in place of afterschool intervention by teachers

implementation in fall, 2016. Progress on LCAP Goals benchmarks. Students will increase their proficiency in mathematics problem solving as measured by grade level Goal 3: assessments. mathematical problem solving on grade level benchmark By May, 2015 70% of students will score proficient or better in grade level benchmark assessments.. As of March, 2015 84.5% of students scored proficient or better on What changes in actions, services, and expenditures will be made as a result of reviewing past progress and/or changes to goals? MATES will be piloting a couple of math programs and plan to recommend a new adoption in the spring of 2016 for implementation in fall, 2016.

Progress on LCAP Goals Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes: Increase parent participation in school governance and Increase parent participation in school governance and decision making as disclosed on the school climate survey. By May, 2015 Increase parent attendance at board meetings by 5%. Increase parent participation on committees by 5%. Increase parent attendance at Principal’s Coffees by 5%. Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes: Parent attendance at board meetings has improved by more than 10%. Parent participation on committees improved by 10%. Parent attendance at Principal's Coffees increased by 10%

MATES Staff Job Classification Number Credentialed Teachers 19 Classified Employees 20 Special Education (Certificated) 3 Administration 2