Sec 1 and 2 notes Growth Africa Ch. 36 Imperialism Sec 1 and 2 notes Growth Africa
Reasons Industrial Revolution Industrialized nations need raw materials for factories (rubber, tin, ) New places to produce products Food products (cocoa,tea,sugar)
Reasons Nationalism Country above self Superiority “backwards” ppl Everyone should be industrialized Balance of power (keep up with other countries) Spread Christianity Kipling “White man’s burden”
Africa Before 1870 European powers stayed away Afraid of diseases Missionaries and explores went in Dr. David Livingston (Scottish) Convert ppl to Christianity End Arab slave trade of Africans Wrote about his journeys Hired by King Leopold II of Belgium to acquire land for his country Took advantage of language barrier Gained raw materials and wealth for Belgium in return for beads and cloth
Suez Canal Opened in 1869 Connect Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea Built by Egyptians w/French $$ Egypt need $ sold shares to GB GB becomes protectorate
Britain vS Boers Britain Boers did not like GB, didn’t want to speak English, didn’t like GB ending slavery Boers set up 2 independent states- Transvaal and Orange Free State Diamonds and Gold brings new ppl Become outnumbered force new ppl to pay heavy taxes Germany Gives ammo to support Boers 2yrs of guerrilla warfare till Boers wave the Women and children imprisoned Begin pushing south take over Sudan and make joint gov. w/Egypt Move north towards Boers Cecil Rhodes (PM of Cape Colony) not happy English speaking empire Built railroad increased British settlers Rhodesia After Boers surrender, English speaking Empire realized except for 1 German colony
Other European Empires Everyone wants a Spain and Portugal (Angola oldest colony in Africa) keep what they had France makes lg Empire Ethiopia and Liberia(Freed slaves from USA) only 2 independent areas Italians take Eritrea Try to take Ethiopia but the were defeated by King Menelik II