Identity Theft uses of Cryptography Tamara C Smith
Defining Cryptography Why is important Where did it come from Who uses it Modern Cryptography systems Conclusion
What is Cryptography? The art of protecting information by transforming it into an unreadable format, called cipher text. Only those who possess a secret key can decipher the message into plain text. Encrypted messages can sometimes be broken by cryptanalysis, also called codebreaking, although modern cryptography techniques are virtually unbreakable.
Why is it important? Cryptography makes secure web sites and electronic safe transmissions possible protects e-mail by rendering it very difficult to read by any unintended party
Where did it come from? Caesar's Alphabet ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABC Every third letter the alphabet shifts to the left Basic example : My name is Tamara Smith PB QDPH LV WDPDUD VPLKW
Who uses it? Governments Spies Banks Credit card companies You
Modern Cryptography Systems Substitution Cipher Switch from one letter to another Easily broken Reciprocal Cipher Make systems less secure or more usable You can enter clear text and get cipher text or vice versa Form of cryptographic suicide
Symmetric Cipher Asymmetric Cipher Uses the same key for encryption and decryption Asymmetric Cipher Split key algorithm Public key Private key
Conclusion Billions of dollars are spent on computer security, and most of that money is wasted on insecure products. The question remains, how technologically advanced will cryptography become?. Currently encryption standards appear nearly unbreakable. Everyday new technology is either invented, changed or updated. There are many people out there who try to hack into the networks, whether its wireless networks, network systems or something as simple as an email. The way in which cryptography is used will continue to change as our society pushes for more security in everyday life.
References Cryptography and Network Security (Behrouz A. Forouzan)