G. Watts (UW/Seattle) For the Hidden Valley Group


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Presentation transcript:

G. Watts (UW/Seattle) For the Hidden Valley Group Data Preparation G. Watts (UW/Seattle) For the Hidden Valley Group

Overall Data Strategy – ESD’s The physics drives the data strategy

Hidden Valley The tunneling/mixing has an almost arbitrary time constant SM Particles can appear anywhere in the detector

Hidden Valley Detector and algorithms are optimized to find displaced vertices in the very center of the ID Not here… Many of our signals look like noise or badly formed jets or muons and are discarded by the default object ID algorithms in ATLAS We require the complete ESD for all of our events. (You’ll see many of these algorithms described later)

The Samples

ESD Data 2010: Skimmed ESD’s from the data 2011: DESD is only possibility 10 DESD’s in ATLAS DESD’s are designed for background 1 of 10 is signal, and we are part of that RPVLL – managed jointly by the SUSY group and the Exotics group Our DESD is configured to write full ESD as the DESD Full trigger rate Will work on reducing size and rate as we better understand the analysis Trigger is a stronger constraint, however.

DYee DYmumu hvHiggs100LJeMET4zd hvHiggs100LJMixMET4zd hvHiggs100LJMixMET8zd hvHiggs100LJPionMET4zd hvHiggs120 hvHiggs120tauVP20 hvHiggs140 hvHiggs140LJe4zd hvHiggs140LJe8zd hvHiggs140LJeMET8zd hvHiggs140LJeNET4zd hvHiggs140LJMix4zd hvHiggs140LJMix8zd hvHiggs140LJMixMET4zd hvHiggs140LJMixMET8zd hvHiggs140LJPion8zd hvHiggs140LJPionMET4zd hvHiggs140LJPionMET8zd hvHiggs140Long hvHiggs140tauVP20 hvHiggs140tauVP40 hvHiggsLJe4zd hvHiggsLJMix8zd hvHiggsLJPion4zd hvHiggsLJPion8zd hvLJvpiM10ct500_U0M06ct0 hvLJvpiM10ct500_U0M06ct0_05pi hvLJvpiM40ct0_U0M06ct80 hvLJvpiM4ct0_U0M06ct0 hvLJvpiM4ct0_U0M06ct80 J0 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 ttbar Wenu Wtaunu Zee Zmumu Ztautau Monte Carlo Close to 50 samples for all the backgrounds and possible HV signals This is about 20 TB of ESDs We are responsible for saving this Currently using Exotics group space for this May soon have to find other places Still adding more data samples to the list

Tools And Docs

Standard TTree Production Everyone uses a standard TTree for actual analysis. Code is in Exotics Group SVN: Analysis/LongLived/HVHeavyFermionPairs Everyone uses a standard TTree for actual analysis*. Small little tool that makes plots of every leaf for x-checks

Documentation https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/HiddenValleyLongLived Provides a general reference to all the common work, including Triggers Data Sets TTree Versions and Source Code and location Description of the contents of the TTree. Background selection and elimination (like Line of Fire).

Outstanding Issues Still adding variables to the TTree Complete re-run of MC samples takes less than a week Private versions of TTree exist as people try new variables out Learning how to use common PAT tools and utilities Luminosity and GRL calculation Changes in trigger list generate constant work downstream

Conclusion Data production and management is in hand Small outstanding issues Adding new variables Re-production takes less than a week Common leap off point for rest of analysis Future At some point will move to experiment standard D3PD’s – perhaps for winter conferences Work on moving more analysis into AOD’s and reducing dependence on ESD format