VOA3R Virtual Open Access Agriculture & Aquaculture Repository: A platform for sharing scientific and scholarly research related to agriculture, aquaculture and environment Introduction: Your input will help to shape the VOA3R platform Marc Goovaerts , Director Library Hasselt University marc.goovaerts@uhasselt.be
Goal Introduction of the VOA3R project and platform Evaluation of the VOA3R platform as it is now (Beta version).
VOA3R The VOA3R platform integrates existing open access repositories as well as digital libraries, sharing scientific and open access research: creating a single access point to scholarly research in the area of Agriculture , Aquaculture and related sciences.. VOA3R is dedicated to providing a community- oriented platform based on social networking, micro- blogging and social bookmarking. VOA3R is connected with other European projects: Open Aire, Driver See http://voa3r.eu/
4. The VOA3R platform: in development
Who are the stakeholders? Producers Consumers External systems Researchers Academics Practitioners Students Information Managers Decision makers the Industry and other organisations but also: the anonymous web surfer and certainly: Other systems and services!
The consumers’ needs Information retrieval Information processing open access heterogeneous content locate, search / semantic search browse Information processing online reading: annotations, bookmarks, reading basket author’s background & other relevant resource interactivity: comments, annotations, rating
→ model the scholarly process The producers’ needs Publishing research online Pre- and post-publish support Quality control / peer-reviewing → model the scholarly process Make research items more accessible Support post-publication assessment Foster post-publication dialogue Electronic CV Integration in the research environment
The VOA3R platform – Beta version http://voa3r.cc.uah.es/ Evaluate these functionalities and give us feed back (see further) .
The VOA3R platform: in development Containing a Publication Portal with: >500.000 publications. - At the end of the project: >2.500.000 publications different search and browse options : e.g. keyword cloud – timeline – research typology - … added value: As a registered user you can comment and annotate a record. All type of extra links are proposed.
The VOA3R platform: in development Social Portal: Research oriented elements New specific tools supporting the scientific communication: Models to retrieve and describe the research information in terms of elements of the scientific methods established in their field (variables, techniques, assessment methods, kinds of objects of interest, etc.) Integration of data from existing social networks And classical social portal tools: ratings, public reviews, suggestions Identity and reputation
Main use cases of the VOA3R portal
5. Your comment is valuable We will evaluate the features of the VOA3R Portal at: http://voa3r.cc.uah.es/ And give comment: Fill out the form - discussion http://www.unipark.de/uc/VOA3R_Portal_Qu estionaire_Validation_Trail_UHasselt The code will be made available in open source