Navigation and Technology ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What allowed Europeans to explore new lands?
Why did countries want to explore other lands? The Four R’s: - Routes - Regions for Review - Riches - Religion
What allowed Europeans to explore new lands? There were many new advancements after the Scientific Revolution. The most important innovations which lead to exploration were in the fields of mapmaking, shipbuilding, and navigation.
Early Mapmaking Mapmaking was not a new skill. The ancient Romans, Greeks, Indians, and Chinese had all been creating maps of the world for centuries. The Greeks gave us the first maps of the world, using astrology and math. They also practiced sailing and recorded instructions on how to navigate the world. The Romans created maps that included names of places, directions, and made North the “top”.
During the Middle Ages, the Muslim community of West Asia had fairly accurate maps because they were involved in trade in every part of the known world. World Map, 1154 South Africa UPSIDE DOWN! Asia Europe North
World Map, 1154 North Europe Asia Africa South
Early Mapmaking Map of Britain, 1360
Cartography in the Age of Exploration One of the most important advancements from the Renaissance was cartography. Cartography is the science and art of mapmaking. In the 1400’s, an Italian scholar translated ancient books on mapping from Greek into Latin so that more people could read it.
How were these ideas published and shared in the first place? These ideas were published and shared, which inspired interest in cartography all over Europe. How were these ideas published and shared in the first place?
Discoveries by explorers gave mapmakers new information to work with Discoveries by explorers gave mapmakers new information to work with. The result was a dramatic change in the European view of the world. By the 1500s, globes showed Earth as a sphere, or ball. In 1507, a German cartographer made the first map that clearly showed North and South America separated from Asia.
Waldseemüller’s Map was also the first to use the word “America.”
Cartography in the Age of Exploration Map of Britain, 1625
Shipbuilding An improved ship design also helped explorers. By the 1400s, Portuguese and Spanish shipbuilders were making caravels. These ships were small, fast, and easy to maneuver. Their shallow bottoms made it easier for explorers to travel along coastlines where the water was not deep.
Shipbuilding 13th century ship caravel Caravels also used triangular sails, an idea borrowed from Muslim ships. These sails could be positioned to take advantage of the wind, no matter which way it blew. caravel
To navigate means to plan and travel a route by using tools. Navigation To navigate means to plan and travel a route by using tools. Sailors used accurate maps to navigate the world, and they had ships to help them explore,but they also needed tools to help make their journeys faster and safer. They needed to know where they were going and how long it would take them to get there.
The Compass Sundial & Compass, 1400’s Early compasses used the sun to indicate time of day and magnetic properties of the earth to indicate direction (North, South, East, West.) Sundial & Compass, 1400’s
How does an astrolabe work? The Astrolabe The astrolabe was an instrument used to measure the height of the Sun at sea. It was used to calculate latitude. Columbus used an astrolabe on his journey to the Americas. How does an astrolabe work?
What allowed Europeans to explore new lands? Cartography, shipbuilding, and navigation technology. And what were the consequences? THINK . . . what might be some consequences of trade?
And what were the consequences? Positive Consequences Negative Consequences New foods and animals were discovered More explorers were inspired to explore New trade routes were discovered Slavery of discovered places began Diseases were exchanged Fights for land and resources lead to war and destruction This series of exchanges between the Americas and Europe and Asia was known as the Columbian Exchange.