Understanding Multiple Sclerosis National Multiple Sclerosis Society Pacific South Coast Chapter 5950 La Place Court, Ste. 200 Carlsbad, CA 92008 1-800-FIGHT-MS
A resource for clients, families, and health care providers. Society Overview Founded in 1946. Pacific South Coast Chapter includes San Diego, Orange and Imperial Counties. Our goal: to help those living with multiple sclerosis lead healthier, happier lives. A resource for clients, families, and health care providers.
What is MS? Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that interferes with the brain’s ability to send and receive messages. MS is thought to be an autoimmune disease. Nerves in the brain and spinal cord are covered with a fatty, protective covering called myelin. Myelin functions like an insulating cover on an electric wire, sending electrical impulses to and from the brain. INTRODUCTION Encourage participants to share any experiences they might have had See if they can identify any particular issues or challenges related to the disease
What is MS? The body’s own defense system attacks the myelin. Damaged myelin may form scar tissue (sclerosis). Sometimes the nerve fibers are severed. Very unpredictable neurological disease- 400,000 in US A lot we still don’t understand about the disease Thought to be an autoimmune disease ( immune system attacks part of the body) Misguided immune cells, instead of attacking bacteria, viruses, and other invaders of the body system, attack the body itself With MS, they attack the protective myelin surrounding nerve fibers in central nervous system. ( Brain and spinal cord) Can also damage the fibers themselves (electric cord analogy) These inflammatory attacks cause scarring at multiple sites—multiple scars (MS) There can be some repair of the damaged myelin, ( we have cells in our body that produce myelin) but damage is often faster than restoration. Nerve damage is irreversible Damage causes the symptoms. Messages from the brain to the body and back get lost or distorted Randomness of the disease is greatest challenge..”I never know what will visit me in the night”- said a young man with MS Variability- unable to be predicted; People with MS are all different- A person with MS can vary in what they can do day to day, hour to hour Often progressive, either initially, or later- Very scary
Who Gets MS? In the U.S. It is estimated that there are about 400,000 people with MS. MS is more common in women than men. MS is most frequently diagnosed between the ages of 20-50. MS is less common in equatorial climates than in cold climates. MS is neither contagious nor fatal. Corticosteroids are used to reduce the inflammation from exacerbations more quickly WORK TO SLOW PROGRESSION & REDUCE THE FREQUENCY & SEVERITY OF CLINICAL ATTACKS DMTs- Avonex, Betaseron, Copaxone, Rebif (modulate the immune system) Novantrone (suppresse the immune system)-Four times a year by IV infusion in a medical facility.Lifetime cumalative dose limit of approx. 8-12 doses over 2-3 years For treatment of worsening relapsing-remitting MS, progressive-relapsing or secondary – progressive MS Symptom Management- Many treatments available to address the symptoms of MS Medication Self-Care techniques- Heat management Rehabilitation- Physical therapy, OT, ST Exercises-Yoga, aqua therapy Assistive Devices
Common Symptoms Fatigue Weakness Numbness and tingling Stiffness (spasticity) Tremors Difficulty walking Visual problems Speech problems Swallowing problems Dizziness and vertigo Pain Bladder, bowel, and sexual problems Cognitive issues Depression This cartoon drawing shows the steps involved in the damage to the myelin and axons. The yellow segments represent the myelin coating. One area of myelin has been damaged. The immune attack becomes directed toward the axon itself. The axon is severed.
How is MS Diagnosed? There is no definitive diagnostic test for MS. The nature of MS makes diagnosis difficult. Symptoms often come and go. A physician, usually a neurologist, makes a diagnosis based on the description of symptoms along with findings from the neurological exam and MRI’s. Relapsing/remitting-Clearly defined flare-ups followed by complete/partial recovery (remission) (85% initially R/R)
What Causes MS? The exact cause of MS is still unknown. It is believed that both environmental and hereditary factors are involved in the development of MS, however; these specific factors have not yet been identified. Relapsing/remitting-Clearly defined flare-ups (85% initially R/R) Secondary Progressive- Initially R/R, followed by steady worsening (50% R/R) Primary Progressive- Continuous worsening from onset (10%) Progressive Relapsing- Steady worsening, but flare-ups too (5%)
Types of MS Relapsing-remitting – periods where symptoms come and go. Primary-progressive – no clear exacerbations and remissions, just slow worsening of symptoms. Secondary-progressive – begins as RR, but with incomplete recovery after each exacerbation. Progressive-relapsing – continued deterioration from the time of diagnosis, with relapses. HEAT & STRESS CAN TEMPORARILY WORSEN SYMPTOMS Fatigue- Overwhelming lack of physical and/or mental energy; variable Spasticity- Muscle stiffness,tightness; involuntary contractions; variable Balance- Standing/ walking balance, or seating balance; safety concern-USE OF EQUIPMENT Visual Impairment-Rarely total blindness;double vision,clouding,jerking eye movements Bowel- Constipation more common-decreased activity, meds, MS involvement Bladder- Urgency & incontinence, or hesitancy & retention; high risk of UTIs that have serious implications for MS and require immediate attention Tremor- Involuntary shaking; more pronounced when reaching Weakness- Can affect upper body strength, transfers; can also impact respiratory muscles, resulting in inadequate breathing & coughing Numbness- Lack of sensation; skin integrity an issue, risk of pressure ulcers; may be no awareness of injury Pain- Tingling, burning; stabbing facial pain; postural problems Swallowing-May be tendency to choke;need time/concentration when eating Speech- Ranges-mild slurring/ volume/ lack of speech Paralysis- Loss of voluntary functioning-may not be able to shift weight Depression- Disease process as well as reaction to it-very prevalent Cognition-Intellect usually intact; May be memory, judgment, attention, wordfinding difficulty NOTE THAT MANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS ARE INVISIBLE
Relapsing-Remitting MS Increasing disability Relapsing/remitting-Clearly defined flare-ups followed by complete/partial recovery (remission) (85% initially R/R) Time
Secondary-Progressive MS Increasing disability Secondary Progressive- Initially R/R, followed by steady worsening with or without occasional flare-ups, minor recoveries, plateaus. (50% R/R) Time
Primary-Progressive MS Increasing disability Primary Progressive- Continuous worsening from onset, no distinct relapses or remissions (10%) Time
Progressive-Relapsing MS Increasing disability Progressive Relapsing- Relatively rare, Steady worsening from onset, but with clear attacks and worsening neurologic function(5%) Time
How is MS Managed? Maintaining good health habits Physical therapy Occupational therapy Speech therapy Counseling Medication On-going losses- Physical, family life, imagined life as a healthy individual, work life, community life, recreational activities, independence Stuck with anger that has no end Depression- More prevalent in MS than in other neurological disorders-May be reactive/may be associated with MS disease process if damage occurs in area of brain that controls emotion/May be side effect of medications Emotions- Fear, guilt, frustration, grief, anxiety, desperation- Since disease changes all the time, emotional work is never done Cognitive Issues-( Not Dementia). Usually alert and oriented Short-term memory, judgment, organizational abilities, attention span may be impaired Correlates to lesion load but not level of disability Self-report may not be accurate Striving for Independence- Usually of sound mind; want to direct their care They will fight for the highest level of independence they can maintain They will push to do things they can’t do- want normalcy, dignity Since they have had to become increasingly dependent on aides and other assistance, they take pride in managing and controlling the situation as much as possible- can at times be difficult for staff Family Concerns- MS is family disease. Different,maybe conflicting, coping styles Drain on family resources- time, money, energy May be children, elderly parents in the picture
Treatments to Slow the Progression of MS While there is currently no cure, there are seven different treatments options for people with MS: - Avonex (Interferon beta 1a) - Betaseron (Interferon beta 1b) - Copaxone (Glatiramer acetate) - Extavia (Interferon beta 1b) - Novantrone (Mitoxantrone) - Rebif (Interferon beta 1a) - Tysabri (Natalizumab) Chapters in 50 states across the country 1-800-FIGHT-MS Briefly introduce local chapter Visibility of MS Walk and MS Bike- raise $ for programs and research Education & support programs for people with MS and their families Professional Education- enhances quality of care; access to care Research- Society has spent more than $460 million on MS research- Find the cure Find a way to prevent the disease Improve symptom management Improve quality of life Advocacy- Local advocacy; Public policy office in Washington
2009 Community Survey General Nearly 25% living near poverty levels Nearly 70% dealing with physical disability or walking limitations Insurance Nearly 15% declined insurance because of their MS diagnosis Private insurance 69.4%, Medicare 32.5%, MediCal 11.9% Family Support 75% living with family, 18.5% living alone 64.6% concerned about relying on family or friends for help in the future Housing 60.4% concerned about being able to live independently in own home Nearly 24% needed help with home modifications in the past year Total of 6,541 people responded to the survey—22.6% response rate.
Financial Challenges Annual cost of MS for the year 2007 $70,000/person Only 20-30% of people with MS are still in the workforce after 15 years Disease modifying drugs can cost $3000/month Our Programs Financial Assistance Program Financial Planning Program Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Chore Service, transportation Based on Society-funded study results, the annual cost of MS for the year 2007 was at nearly $70,000 per person. The major components of the cost include lost wages ($26,671) and health care ($38,866).
Advocacy Policy Priorities—Federal Increased MS research Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) National Multiple Sclerosis Disease Registry Health care reform Health care reform principles Affordable Access to Prescription Medications Act of 2009 Disability rights Access to quality health care Long-term care resources Lifespan Respite Care Accessible, affordable insurance Eliminate the 24-month Medicare Disability Waiting Period Congressional Multiple Sclerosis Caucus
Advocacy Policy Priorities—State Ensure that drug manufacturers are held accountable to MS-CAN sponsored bill (SB 486) on safe needle disposal. Sponsor legislation to provide greater disclosure of the drug pricing system and to address out of pocket prescription costs. Initiate legislation that would require insurers to provide coverage for Durable Medical Equipment (DME).
Client Programs and Services Education and Information Information for those newly diagnosed, referrals and seminars Emotional Support Services Support groups, counseling and professionally-led groups Wellness Programs Aquatics, yoga, strength training and more Family Support Programs Relationship Matters, family fun days, caregiver programs, family respite care, Angel Visitation
JOIN THE MOVEMENT How can you help the National MS Society support people with MS? Referral list Advocate Volunteer Donate
1-800- 344-4867 www.mspacific.org www.nationalmssociety.org CONTACT US 1-800- 344-4867 www.mspacific.org www.nationalmssociety.org