Weight Loss Supplements Weight Loss Plans
Bariatric surgery Normal digestive process Adjustable gastric band nlm.nih.gov
Gastric bypass obesitysurgerycenter.org
Diet Supplements Usually found in products with caffeine Popular ingredients found in over-the-counter (OTC) supplements Ephedra Usually found in products with caffeine Guarana Chitosan L-Carnitine
Diet supplements Chromium DHEA Xenical / Alli Phentermine (the phen in Fen/Phen) No longer on the market Meridia Topamax Wellbutrin
Popular Diet Plans
Popular Diets Which one do you choose?? Long-term medical studies Best source However; not all popular diets have been evaluated. The following diets have been evaluated
Weight Watchers Best chance of long-term success How it works: Professional support Flexible eating plans (point system) Exercise & nutrition emphasized But costs money
Atkins Diet Low-carb diet May be high in fat How does it work? Three phases May not be effective – especially for long-term A lot of opposition from professional organizations
Volumetrics Focuses on “energy dense” foods Allows larger quantities of food May be easy to follow
Dean Ornish The Spectrum Loose structure No foods are “off limits” Follows a vegetarian diet
Mediterranean Diet The Sonoma Diet – variation Focuses on whole grains, good fats May prevent heart disease May be effective
Jenny Craig Requires food purchases from the company Support is offered but… Expensive Some flaws
What’s the bottom line? Low-fat or low-carb? Meal replacements? Other?
Energy Drinks Background Health risks To ban or not to ban?