Thesis Statements 12 AP
Now, your thesis statements: “Say Yes” 1985 + “Black Boy” 1932 Importance/effect of race on society and relationships Both Wolff and Boyle explore the effect of race on society and relationships through the use of setting, theme, and characterization in their stories “Say Yes” and Black Boy”. "Girl" 1978 & "Hills …" 1927 relationships b/t girls/women and their "superiors" Jamaica Kincaid and Ernest Hemingway explore the relationships between young women and the people closest to them through the use of diction, syntax, and the respective titles, "Girl" and "Hills Like White Elephants".
"The Yellow Wallpaper" 1892 & "Shifting" 1977 women's issues Through stories like "TYW" by CPG & Shifting" by Anne Beattie, we can conclude the hardships women faced in the 1890s and the hardships women faced in the 1970 were very similar and the 80 year bridge did little to mitigate them. "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" 1922 & "Flowers for Algernon" 1957 conflicts w/in a character, POV/narrator The true connection between characters Benjamin Button and Charlie Gordon are their loss of identity, and isolation from family and society. "Country Love" 1950 & "The Chrysanthemums” 1937 confinement of women In both “The Chrysanthemums” by John Steinbeck and “A Country Love Story” by Jean Stafford, women are confined by their husbands and by their patricrchal society, regardless of time period.