The Panama Canal The French started it, mosquitoes nearly killed it, and American railroads helped make it a reality
The Suez Canal
Suez Canal Connections between Nile and Red Sea dug in ancient times Modern canal by Ferdinand de Lesseps 1858-1869 Easy terrain Principal winner: Britain enabled to extend military reach Red Sea organisms invading Mediterranean
The Suez-Panama Connection De Lesseps took on the job of building a canal across Panama Nobody else could have kept the project going as long as it did 22,000 died before project abandoned in 1893 French actually excavated about 1/3 of canal Built railroad across Panama
The Nicaragua Alternative
Volcan Momotombo
Nicaragua or Panama? French lobbied hard to have the U.S. take over their route in Panama An ill-timed postage stamp killed the Nicaragua route French investors in Panama bought out
The Panama Canal U.S. and Colombia sign treaty in 1901 to build canal Colombian Senate refuses to ratify U.S. backs separatist revolt in Panama
How U.S. Succeeded Disease control Life support for workers to ensure long term commitment Get a Bigger Hammer Bigger equipment U.S. experience with railroads
The Future? Largest ships cannot use the Panama Canal despite improvements Sea Level Canal? Panama? Nicaragua? Environmental Impacts?