Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service PowerPoint presentation Deliver customer service Handout 2 Understand the relationship between customer service and a brand Explain to the learner(s) that this is an element of unit 230. It is a knowledge element.
Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service What is a brand? A brand name is the source of the product or service. A brand distinguishes the products/services of an organisation from that of its competitors. It is what the customer thinks of when they see the brand. , Does it mean they see a certain item, or is it a certain perception of eg quality, fun? A brand is also often known as a ‘trademark’ in some situations. Ask the group to complete Activity 1.2. They can complete this individually or as a group. They should discuss together the brands they have thought of and what they mean to them and why they have chosen them. Discuss the fact that a brand meets certain things to different people. Discuss too that a brand can become so famous it becomes a household name eg Hoover made vacuum cleaners that became so famous and popular that vacuum cleaners became known as hoovers even when made by other manufacturers.
Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Importance of a brand A brand name is important to an organisation as it: allows customers to recognise it differentiates its products etc from competitors can mean quality or reliability, or some other feature or meaning that is important to the customer. A brand promotes the organisation, its products and/or services and its reputation. The brand always needs to promote a positive message. If it is in any way tainted, it can then mean the customer sees a negative message. Organisations work hard at protecting their brand so that the customer always gets the correct message. Discuss why an organisation works hard to build a brand and then work hard to maintain it. It is expensive to build a brand and without a lot of work it can easily lose all it means. Explain that there are times organisations have worked hard at maintaining the brand as events can affect it eg there are times that car manufacturers have had to recall cars because of faults. The manufacturers work hard at reassuring the customers they will deal with the fault but that the cars are safe and there are no other problem. This can all be costly but it is in the manufacturer’s interest as very easily their brand can be known for the wrong reasons. Discuss the fact that the brand can be so affected that an organisation has to re-brand.
What is the service offer? Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service What is the service offer? A service offer is what an organisation says it will offer its customers and is therefore what the customer comes to expect. A service offer covers eg the refund policy, delivery times and the level of service the organisation will provide. A service offer means the level of service will be consistent and both staff and customers know what to offer and what to expect. Discuss the service offer and how it is what the customer comes to expect. Discuss organisations that are known for the service level they offer. Discuss any organisations they know of and when they have not received from them the level of service they expect.
How a brand affects an organisation’s customer service offer Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service How a brand affects an organisation’s customer service offer The brand reflects the organisation. If people see the brand they may feel they will get a certain level of service, be it positive or negative. If the organisation’s brand is seen as promoting a good level of customer service then the organisation will work very hard at maintaining this. When the organisation thinks about its brand, it looks at the whole customer experience – the logo, the uniform, the website, the way staff answer the phone, the ‘house style’ in letters, the way it handles complaints and the level of customer service it offers. They all work together to back the brand. Discuss the fact that the brand is not just the name or the logo – it is the full customer experience. It is not just about the face to face customer service but about everything the organisation does.
Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service The brand promise Branding is the way a product or service is recognised and is the promise made by the organisation to its customer. When a customer sees a particular brand they trust it assists them when making buying decisions as they know what to expect. If they don’t recognise the brand they will have no clear expectations of the product or service and they will almost be taking a risk on any usage or purchase. It is therefore very important for the organisation to work on building the brand to make it recognisable and that with this recognition customers will know what to expect. Once built, which will take time and money, the organisation will work very hard to maintain the brand and ensure nothing undermines or weakens it. Discuss the answers the learners gave in Workplace Activity 1.2. Ask them how they answered the brand promise and the role they play in ensuring it is delivered. If Workplace Activity 1.2 is not completed then it should be issued as homework and discussed in session 3.
Level 2 Diploma in Customer Service Any questions? Discuss with the group the evidence they could provide for inclusion in their portfolios eg the organisation’s logo, marketing materials. Explain it is not enough to just include these, they must also explain why they meet the criteria. Explain this can be done by a reflective account, annotation or a professional discussion. Ask the group to complete Workplace Activity 1.3 and Workplace Activity 1.4 before next session.