House Bill 2610 – 75,600 Minute School year Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. House Bill 2610 – 75,600 Minute School year PEIMS always captures what happened. Cannot have a fatal edit for what has already happened! SPRING 2016 Bryce Templeton, ITS-Statewide Education Data Systems
75,600 Minute School Year Prior to June 19, 2015, Texas Education Code (TEC) 25.081 stated the following: Except as authorized under Subsection (b) of this section, Section 25.084, or Section 29.0821, for each school year each school district must operate so that the district provides for at least 180 days of instruction for students. The commissioner may approve the instruction of students for fewer than the number of days required under Subsection (a) if disaster, flood, extreme weather conditions, fuel curtailment, or another calamity causes the closing of schools. Funding flows based on membership and attendance – that has not changed. This law is geared toward school operations. Law went from 180 days to 75,600 minutes.
75,600 Minute School Year Effective with the 2015-2016 school year TEC 25.081 reads…. Except as authorized under Subsection (b) of this section, Section 25.084, or Section 29.0821, for each school year each school district must operate so that the district provides for at least 75,600 minutes of instruction, including intermissions and recesses, for students. The commissioner may approve the instruction of students for fewer than the number of 75,600 minutes required if disaster, flood, extreme weather conditions, fuel curtailment, or another calamity causes the closing of schools. This is the target – how do we get there?
75,600 Minute School Year If the commissioner does not approve reduced instruction time (waivers), a school district may add additional minutes to the end of the district's normal school hours as necessary to compensate for minutes of instruction lost due to school closures caused by disaster, flood, extreme weather conditions, fuel curtailment, or another calamity. For purposes of this code, a reference to a day of instruction means 420 minutes of instruction. 420 is the minimum – you can have as much above that number as your community will allow. A day is at least 420 minutes without a waiver.
75,600 Minute School Year TEC 25.0812: A school district may not schedule the last day of school for students for a school year before May 15. A school district that does not offer each grade level from kindergarten through grade 12 and whose prospective or former students generally attend school in another state for the grade levels the district does not offer may schedule the last day of school on any date permitted or the law of the other state.
75,600 Minute School Year Even though the school year is tracked in terms of minutes of operation, the Average Daily Attendance calculations will continue to use “Days Eligible” and “Days Taught” to compute the Foundation School Program funding for schools. This law does not change any of the ADA reporting. Each calendar day in calendar is a day taught for a student. DOES NOT impact ADA, attendance accounting, etc. only for purposes of operations.
75,600 Minute School Year Each calendar day that student instruction is offered is considered to be one day taught. The school year for PEIMS Reporting still consists of 6 reporting periods (six weeks) with a Number of Days Taught value reported for each.
75,600 Minute School Year Schools are still able to obtain a variety of waivers from the Texas Education Agency. The maximum value of a school day that is waived is 420 minutes, regardless of how long the school day may be. Example – 450 minutes per day, then days taught would be 170 and this is ok. No waiver needed from TEA to finish school early. Teachers are still only on a 180 day contract. PEIMS captures what happens, right or wrong. Number of days taught divided by number of days attended. DOES NOT affect ADA. No school is penalized for less days. The value of the day decreases and a days absence has less value in the example of 450 minutes a day. Rules have to be in place “up front”, ie. Holidays, inservice, etc. – cannot change the rules during the year just because you had low attendance on a day. Excess contact hours are not affected by this – cannot go above 6. Have to keep up with minutes and days – minutes at the campus level, days for the students. Calendars should capture “both”. Campuses need to be available for operation 75,600 minutes a year.
PEIMS Reporting Requirements for the 75,600 minute school year.
75,600 Minute School Year In addition to schools reporting the Numbers of Days Taught on the student attendance event complex, schools will report the number of school day operational minutes for each day student instruction is offered.
75,600 Minute School Year Schools will report the number of the 75,600 minutes of school day operation that are missed due to a waiver. School day waivers are issued for both planned and unplanned events. (e.g. early release days versus vs bad weather school closure days) Two types of waivers: Full Day and Partial Day. Full day with a maximum of 420 minutes per day. Planned day is early release day, staff development day – only minutes associated with a waiver to achieve 75,600 minutes per year – collected in sub 3 ONLY.
The school year minutes are collected in Submission 3 only. 75,600 Minute School Year The school year minutes are collected in Submission 3 only. Each school (campus) that reports student attendance will be required (fatal edit) to report the school year calendar(s) including the detail of the operational minutes and waivers exercised. Each campus could have a different calendar but all on same track for that campus. Campus is part of the key. Will not be comparing campuses across the district. Each campus could have a track 0 and track 0 be different at each campus with number of days. ***Much easier if you have PreK AM and PM to set up two different tracks.*** Then you could potentially get a waiver for only the AM or PM if you had bad weather. You DO NOT have to do this but much easier if something happens in the middle of the year.
75,600 Minute School Year The sum total of operational minutes and waiver minutes will be validated for compliance with the 75,600 minute requirement. A validation warning may be issued for any combination of campus and track that does not reach 75,600 minutes for the school year.
Data Elements and Complexes: 75,600 Minute School Year Data Elements and Complexes: The reporting of the 75,600 minutes requires two different complexes: - ReportingPeriodExtension Complex Type - CalendarDateExtension Complex Type See spreadsheet example.
75,600 Minute School Year The ReportingPeriodExtension Complex Type captures the following data elements: -E0266 CAMPUS-ID -E1093 SCHOOL-YEAR -E0934 REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE -E0975 INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE- -E0935 NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT -E1568 REPORTING-PERIOD-BEGIN-DATE -E1569 REPORTING-PERIOD-END-DATE. One set of data reported for each campus
75,600 Minute School Year All of the following data elements are mandatory (fatal edit) for each campus reporting student attendance. -E0266 CAMPUS-ID -E1093 SCHOOL-YEAR -E0934 REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE -E0975 INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE- -E0935 NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT -E1568 REPORTING-PERIOD-BEGIN-DATE -E1569 REPORTING-PERIOD-END-DATE.
75,600 Minute School Year The CalendarDateExtension Complex Type captures the following data elements: -E1168 CALENDAR-DATE -E1582 SCHOOL-DAY-EVENT-CODE -E1570 CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE -E1571 SCHOOL-DAY-OPERATIONAL-MINUTES -E1572 SCHOOL-DAY-WAIVER-MINUTES.
75,600 Minute School Year All of the following data elements are mandatory (fatal edit) for each campus reporting student attendance: -E1168 CALENDAR-DATE -E1582 SCHOOL-DAY-EVENT-CODE -E1571 SCHOOL-DAY-OPERATIONAL-MINUTES -E1572 SCHOOL-DAY-WAIVER-MINUTES.
75,600 Minute School Year C208 - SCHOOL-DAY-EVENT-CODE code table Mandatory Field. Partial waiver – regular plus waiver. If you have additional minutes to use for a bad weather day, do not have to have waiver for othis.
75,600 Minute School Year C204 – CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE-CODE code table
75,600 Minute School Year Only the School Day Waiver Event Type field is optional and only if the school exercised no waivers during the school year: -E1570 CALENDAR-WAIVER-EVENT-TYPE Waiver is a max of 180 minutes – cannot be more. -When you teach the spreadsheet use slides 7-21 to show examples.
View the Excel Spreadsheet example. 75,600 Minute School Year View the Excel Spreadsheet example. Review Slides 7 – 20 while illustrating the concepts on the spreadsheet.
Questions? 75,600 Minute School Year 2016.2017 SAAH should be out July 31st. FAQ samples are out there. Late start date – students have to go at least 240 minutes to have. You report the number of minutes that you actually went. Be sure and keep documentation to show that you were below the 420 minutes that day. You will not lose funding for that day. If you have staggered times between grade levels within a campus – use first instructional bell to the last instructional bell – instructional time, not operational time. Do not need students to be on separate tracks. Only need separate tracks when they go on different days. Even if you have “banked” minutes you cannot use them for early release, you must have had a waiver. You can use “banked” minutes for a full day off.