Anne Geddes By: Yuzmel Romero
When Anne Geddes was small Anne Geddes was born in Queensland, Australia on September 13, 1956. Since Anne was small she loved photography, she loved pictures of people and she was always fascinated by still image capturing.
Anne At The Age Of 17 and 25 When Anne was 17 she worked as a tourist in a hotel she would travel in New Zealand overseas. During her hole tour she took hundreds of pictures. At the age of 25 Anne became a photographer.
Anne’s Photography Subject Anne chose babies as her photography subject because she loved babies. Anne established a small portraiture business photographing neighbors and friends children at their house, gardens or local parks. In Melbourne she set up her first studio, this developed her interest in working in a studio. She also entered, her first photographic competition and she won second place.
First Picture Of Anne In 1988 her picture of Gemma a little girl standing in a tutu became her first published image that appeared in a local magazine in Auckland. At that time that picture had very different style of portraiture.