CS/EE 217 – GPU Architecture and Parallel Programming Introduction Daniel Wong, Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Cooperating Faculty, Department of Computer Science and Engineering dwong@ece.ucr.edu
I’m stuck in California . . . About me Born and raised in East Los Angeles University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA BS Computer Engineering/Computer Science ‘09 MS Electrical Engineering ‘11 PhD Electrical Engineering ’15 Research Interest Energy Efficient Computer Systems GPGPUs, Data Centers, NVM Memories Industry Experience Samsung Semiconductor, Inc., San Jose, CA Lawrence Livermore National Labs, Livermore, CA I’m stuck in California . . .
Course Goals Learn how to program GPGPU processors and achieve high performance functionality and maintainability scalability across future generations Technical subjects principles and patterns of parallel algorithms processor architecture features and constraints programming API, tools and techniques
Logistics Course Website Assignments/Projects Discussion/Help http://www.danielwong.org/classes/csee217-f16 Check often for announcements Assignments/Projects iLearn (iLearn.ucr.edu) Discussion/Help Piazza (https://piazza.com/ucr/fall2016/csee217/home)
Textbook D. Kirk and W. Hwu, “Programming Massively Parallel Processors – A Hands-on Approach, Second Edition” CUDA by example, Sanders and Kandrot Nvidia CUDA C Programming Guide https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/
Attendance/Grading Attendance Grade Breakdown You are expected to attend all lectures. Some slides only make sense in lecture. Grade Breakdown Labs: 35% Exam and Final: 45% Project: 30% Class Participation/Extra Credit: 5%
Lab Policies 3 slip days 15% penalty per late day If it’s one minute late, it’s still late No extensions will be given All labs/projects are due at the end of the due date (midnight) Projects should be uploaded to iLearn
Team Projects Work can be divided up between team members in any way that works for you However, each team member will demo the final checkpoint of each project individually, and will get a separate demo grade This will include questions on the entire design Rationale: if you don’t know enough about the whole design to answer questions on it, you aren’t involved enough in the project
Contact Instructor: Daniel Wong TA: AmirAli Abdolrashidi Email: dwong@ece.ucr.edu Homepage: http://www.danielwong.org Office: WCH 425 Office Hours: TBD TA: AmirAli Abdolrashidi Email: aabdo001@ucr.edu