Terrestrial High Densities – Rocky surfaces The Planets Terrestrial High Densities – Rocky surfaces
Mercury Size: 1/3rd Earth Moons: 0 Atmosphere: O2 & Na Temps: 100 – 700 K Probes: Mariner 10 [NASA] Messenger, 2011 [Jap-Europe] Axis = 0.39 AU 1 Mercury yr = 88 Earth days
Mercury - Roman god of speed - messenger god
Venus Size: almost same as Earth Moons: 0 Atmosphere: CO2 & N2 Temps: 737 K (greenhouse) Probes: - Pioneer Venus,1978 [NASA] - Magellan, 1989 [NASA] - Venus Express, 2006 [Europe] Axis = 0.72 AU Retrograde rotation & 0.75 albedo
Venus – goddess of beauty
Earth Size: it’s Earth Moons: 1 Atmosphere: N2, O2, H2O Temps: 288 K Probes: EYES Axis = 1.00 AU Only planet with proven life Only planet with H2O in all three forms: SOLID, LIQUID, GAS
Earth World Blue Planet Terra Home
Mars Size: ½ Earth Moons: 2 Atmosphere: CO2, N2, Ar Probes: Mars Odyssey, 2001 [NASA] Exploration Rovers, 2003 [NASA] Axis = 1.52 AU -Olympus Mons = Largest volcano in solar system? -Has Seasons
Mars – god of war
Mars Rovers NASA Photos