Each student has a trip packet and was told their bus/group assignments in class.
While at Dallenbach’s, you will be learning about the forest ecosystem While at Dallenbach’s, you will be learning about the forest ecosystem. You will visit 5 stations throughout the day and each station is taught by a science teacher at Hammarskjold.
Pond Lunch Bathroom & Nurse Parking Lot Station #5 Pond Station #4 Leaves Station #3 Soil Station #2 Stream Station #1 Intro to Forest Bathroom & Nurse Parking Lot
What should you pack? Backpack or drawstring bag with only trip supplies. 2. Clip board 3. Two pens or pencils 4. Lunch 5. Towel to sit on Baggie for lunch garbage Hand sanitizer or wet paper towel in a baggie
What should I wear? You must wear long pants. Your pant leg must be touching your shoes. Old shoes are best. Jeans or sweat pants that you don’t mind getting dirty. Wear layers can that can be put on or taken off as the temperature changes.
What do I do when I get to school? Go to your locker and get your clip board/Dallenbach packet. Go to first period where you will be called down to the cafeteria when the buses have arrived. Sit with your assigned bus group. Line up outside the bus, give your last name, and then buckle in. What do I do when I get to Dallenbach’s? Check that you have everything off the bus. The bus you rode on may not be the one that brings you back. Go directly to the teacher that is holding up the letter sign of the group you are in. What is the “Carry in – Carry out” policy? You will not be placing any garbage in garbage cans. Everything we bring to Dallenbachs will leave with us. Be prepared to put all your trash in a plastic bag. You will place the bag in your back pack and dispose of it when you get home.
Attendance will be taken as your get onto your bus. When you get to the cafeteria tables will be marked with your bus number. Attendance will be taken as your get onto your bus. Bus 1 Bus 1 Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 2 Bus 2 Bathrooms Bus 3 Bus 3 Bus 3 Teachers Teachers Teachers Cafeteria Doors
Where Do We Eat? You will eat lunch by the entrance on the ground. You can sit with anyone that you want.
How Do the Teachers Expect Me to Behave? All school rules apply. No gum or candy No cell phones permitted on the trip No electronics for the bus Be respectful and raise your hand to speak Remember to say thank you to the teachers and parent chaperones The only time you are to be near the pond is while at that station What If I Have To Go To The Bathroom? Bathrooms are available at lunch time. Everyone must use the restrooms provided, no one is allowed to “go in the woods”. Use the bathroom before you leave for school in the morning and when you get to school.
When We Arrive Back At Hammarskjold: We will be back in the cafeteria to work on our packets. Sit at a table with no more than four students Correct your packet Start the study guide You will have a chance to go to your locker before school dismissal Test on this material October 20th